Bat Ball Game
a soccer ball or volleyball
two cones or bases
two cones or bases

Lay out a play area about 40ft wide by 80ft long.
Place a cone or base in the center of one end as home base.
Place a cone in the center of the far end as the far base.
Divide the group in half or have patrols play against each other.
One team takes the field and distributes themselves anywhere past the 20foot line.
First scout on the other team tosses and hits the volleyball or kicks the soccer ball into the field. If it does not cross the 20foot line, give a second chance. If that fails, the scout is out.
The goal is to run around the far base and back without being hit by the ball. The scout can run anywhere within the play boundaries.
If a defensive player catches a fly ball, the runner is out.
The defensive team tries to hit the runner below the shoulders with the ball if it is not caught on the fly.
A defensive player can only take two steps with the ball and can hold the ball for no more than 5 seconds.
Score 1 point for each round trip.
When 3 players are out, switch sides.
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