Ball Toss Relay Game
Ball, frisbee, or beanbag per patrol
Patrols line up with at least 10 feet between patrol lines.
Patrol leader steps out in front of patrol about 20 feet and faces patrol.
Each patrol leader is given a ball.
The patrol leader throws the ball to the first scout in line. That scout catches it, throws it back, and sits down.
Repeat until all scouts in patrol are sitting.
If a scout misses the ball, they must go retrieve it and return to their position before throwing it.
Optional: Extend the game by now rolling the ball. Once everyone is seated, roll the ball to the first scout who catches it, stands up and rolls it back. The patrol leader must roll the ball between the legs of standing scouts to the first sitting scout in line.
Patrol leader steps out in front of patrol about 20 feet and faces patrol.
Each patrol leader is given a ball.
The patrol leader throws the ball to the first scout in line. That scout catches it, throws it back, and sits down.
Repeat until all scouts in patrol are sitting.
If a scout misses the ball, they must go retrieve it and return to their position before throwing it.
Optional: Extend the game by now rolling the ball. Once everyone is seated, roll the ball to the first scout who catches it, stands up and rolls it back. The patrol leader must roll the ball between the legs of standing scouts to the first sitting scout in line.
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Aug 23, 2018 - tanner johns
Thank you so much, this websitw has saved my life many
SInce my patrols meeting are getting contstanly getting rained out and alot of my events are outside.
SInce my patrols meeting are getting contstanly getting rained out and alot of my events are outside.
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