Ball of String Relay Game
Big ball of string for each patrol.
Small metal washer for each patrol.
Small metal washer for each patrol.
People on a team stand in a circle facing inward.
One scout holds the ball of string and the washer.
On 'GO' signal, the scout keeps hold of the end of the string, but hands the ball of string to a neighbor. The scout then slides the washer onto the end of the string and slides it down the string to the neighbor. In this manner, the ball of string is passed around the circle with the washer following right behind.
When the string is completely unwound, tie the washer to the end of it and wind the ball of string back up as it is passed backwards around the circle.
Can give points for speed and size of finished ball - smaller is worth more.
On 'GO' signal, the scout keeps hold of the end of the string, but hands the ball of string to a neighbor. The scout then slides the washer onto the end of the string and slides it down the string to the neighbor. In this manner, the ball of string is passed around the circle with the washer following right behind.
When the string is completely unwound, tie the washer to the end of it and wind the ball of string back up as it is passed backwards around the circle.
Can give points for speed and size of finished ball - smaller is worth more.
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