Tenderfoot Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Tenderfoot scouts.
Leader: I now call ________ and parents to come forward. (Repeat for each tenderfoot scout)
Leader: These scouts have completed the requirements for the rank of Tenderfoot.
Leader: Since you first joined this Troop, you have said the words of the Scout Oath many times. You have learned many skills which will serve you well as you travel on your scout trail to become an Eagle Scout. You have learned some basic first aid skills and to tie knots and you have improved your physical fitness. But these skills are only the beginning. As you advance into other ranks, you will learn more knots, more first aid skills, how to use a compass, how to cook, and most importantly how to lead others. The activities you participate in will become more challenging and more rewarding.
When you passed your Board of Review, you became a Tenderfoot scout. I now present to you your rank advancement card which documents this achievement. Keep this card, and all other cards you receive in Scouting, in a safe place. As you advance in Scouting, these are very important in documenting your achievements. When you submit your Eagle application or if you move to a new location, you will need these cards.
I am also presenting you with your Tenderfoot badge. This announces to the world that you have reached the first advancement level in Scouts BSA and you are on your way along the path of scouting.
Finally, you are given a small pin to pass on to your parent as a keepsake of this step you've taken towards becoming an independent young adult, able to take care of yourself and help others.
(Pass out badges, pins, and cards. Give scout handshake to each scout.)
Leader: Troop ____, please stand.
Leader: Troop, join me in congratulating these fine scouts on their advancement to Tenderfoot rank! (lead applause)
Leader: These scouts have completed the requirements for the rank of Tenderfoot.
Leader: Since you first joined this Troop, you have said the words of the Scout Oath many times. You have learned many skills which will serve you well as you travel on your scout trail to become an Eagle Scout. You have learned some basic first aid skills and to tie knots and you have improved your physical fitness. But these skills are only the beginning. As you advance into other ranks, you will learn more knots, more first aid skills, how to use a compass, how to cook, and most importantly how to lead others. The activities you participate in will become more challenging and more rewarding.
When you passed your Board of Review, you became a Tenderfoot scout. I now present to you your rank advancement card which documents this achievement. Keep this card, and all other cards you receive in Scouting, in a safe place. As you advance in Scouting, these are very important in documenting your achievements. When you submit your Eagle application or if you move to a new location, you will need these cards.
I am also presenting you with your Tenderfoot badge. This announces to the world that you have reached the first advancement level in Scouts BSA and you are on your way along the path of scouting.
Finally, you are given a small pin to pass on to your parent as a keepsake of this step you've taken towards becoming an independent young adult, able to take care of yourself and help others.
(Pass out badges, pins, and cards. Give scout handshake to each scout.)
Leader: Troop ____, please stand.
Leader: Troop, join me in congratulating these fine scouts on their advancement to Tenderfoot rank! (lead applause)
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