Star Scout 2 Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Star scouts.
(optional) scout candelabra of 7 candles
Leader: The Star rank is a significant advancement milestone. Up through the First Class rank, advancement was driven by learning new skills such as cooking, first aid, knots, and other camping skills. Earning the Star rank demonstrates a scout's ability to use a completely different set of skills - that of leading and serving.
[Call Star Scout candidates forward with their parents.]
I am very pleased to see you receive your Star badge today! Not only because of the merit badges you completed or the fact that you held a troop leadership position, but because you've demonstrated that you can set and commit to goals; you are ready to help other scouts; you care about your community; and you continue to hold to the Scout Oath and Law.
By accepting this rank of Star Scout, you are taking on more responsibilities to this troop and its success. As a Star Scout, you'll be looked upon as a role model for younger scouts, and be given more responsibilities to help them grow through Scouting. It shouldn't be a difficult role for you, but it is a very important one.
When Baden-Powell wrote about Scoutmastership, he said:
"Scouting is a game in which elder brothers can give their younger brothers a healthy environment and encourage them to healthy activities, such as will help them to develop citizenship."
I hope, above anything else, that you understand that message. I hope that you will go from here and teach others, both in Scouting and out, by personal example of the Scouting principles. You are now an 'elder' able to lead those 'younger scouts' to great things.
Is this a challenge you are willing to accept as a Star Scout?
Then, signify your desire to light the way to other scouts by lighting the Star Scout candle (if available)
I'm honored to present you with your Star badge. Please have your parent pin it over your First Class badge and then present your parent with their pin.
(wait for scout to finish)
Troop ____, attention!
Troop, join me in congratulating Troop ____'s newest Star Scouts!
(leader shakes scout's hand while audience applauds)
[Call Star Scout candidates forward with their parents.]
I am very pleased to see you receive your Star badge today! Not only because of the merit badges you completed or the fact that you held a troop leadership position, but because you've demonstrated that you can set and commit to goals; you are ready to help other scouts; you care about your community; and you continue to hold to the Scout Oath and Law.
By accepting this rank of Star Scout, you are taking on more responsibilities to this troop and its success. As a Star Scout, you'll be looked upon as a role model for younger scouts, and be given more responsibilities to help them grow through Scouting. It shouldn't be a difficult role for you, but it is a very important one.
When Baden-Powell wrote about Scoutmastership, he said:
"Scouting is a game in which elder brothers can give their younger brothers a healthy environment and encourage them to healthy activities, such as will help them to develop citizenship."
I hope, above anything else, that you understand that message. I hope that you will go from here and teach others, both in Scouting and out, by personal example of the Scouting principles. You are now an 'elder' able to lead those 'younger scouts' to great things.
Is this a challenge you are willing to accept as a Star Scout?
Then, signify your desire to light the way to other scouts by lighting the Star Scout candle (if available)
I'm honored to present you with your Star badge. Please have your parent pin it over your First Class badge and then present your parent with their pin.
(wait for scout to finish)
Troop ____, attention!
Troop, join me in congratulating Troop ____'s newest Star Scouts!
(leader shakes scout's hand while audience applauds)
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