Cross-Over Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for AoL scouts.
Sr. Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster of the troop receiving new scouts
Simple cross-over bridge.
Sr. Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster of the troop receiving new scouts
Simple cross-over bridge.
Akela: The moon is full, just as it was long ago on that night in the jungle when Mowgli first joined the wolf pack. It has been many years since Mowgli returned from living with the wolves. After he returned, he taught us many of the lessons he learned while in the jungle. The most important was that the strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf. That is why we are here tonight in this council ring.
But just as Mowgli had to leave the pack, tonight we also have some cubs among us who have grown strong and tall. The time has now come when they too must leave the pack to find their place in the world. They have learned many lessons as they have walked the trails of the lion, tiger, wolf, and bear.
Tonight, these cubs are ready to begin their next adventure on their way to adulthood. We will not hold them back, though we will miss them when they are gone. Instead, we will wish them well and send them into the wild where they will continue on their path.
Akela: So let us begin. Parents, bring forward these cubs.
(Akela calls out the names of the Arrow of Light scouts who will be advancing to Scouts BSA. Parents and Cubs come forward and face the rest of the pack.)
Akela: Akela of Scouts, do you hear me?
Sr. Patrol Leader: I hear you, Akela of the cubs. What is it that you want?
Akela: We have among us several cubs who have grown tall in body and strong in character. They have learned well the ways of the pack, but now they yearn to run with older scouts in the wild places. They have been with the pack for many moons, and have been a source of pride for us all. But now it is time that they must leave us and search out greater adventure.
Sr. Patrol Leader: I understand you and I will accept them into my tribe and guide them in those wild places.
(Akela now leads the cubs, one at a time, to the bridge between Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA. He removes their blue shoulder loops. The scout crosses the bridge to a Scouts BSA member waiting with Scouts BSA handbook, troop neckerchief, and green shoulder loops.)
Akela: These scouts are no longer with our pack, yet we still call on the Great Akela of all Cub Scouts to always guide their way. We ask that the Great Akela watch over them as they learn to soar with Eagles in the wild places. And, in the fullness of time, we pray that these scouts will return, tall and proud and strong, and present their own cubs to be accepted into the pack. But until then, let us send them on their way with a mighty wolf howl.
But just as Mowgli had to leave the pack, tonight we also have some cubs among us who have grown strong and tall. The time has now come when they too must leave the pack to find their place in the world. They have learned many lessons as they have walked the trails of the lion, tiger, wolf, and bear.
Tonight, these cubs are ready to begin their next adventure on their way to adulthood. We will not hold them back, though we will miss them when they are gone. Instead, we will wish them well and send them into the wild where they will continue on their path.
Akela: So let us begin. Parents, bring forward these cubs.
(Akela calls out the names of the Arrow of Light scouts who will be advancing to Scouts BSA. Parents and Cubs come forward and face the rest of the pack.)
Akela: Akela of Scouts, do you hear me?
Sr. Patrol Leader: I hear you, Akela of the cubs. What is it that you want?
Akela: We have among us several cubs who have grown tall in body and strong in character. They have learned well the ways of the pack, but now they yearn to run with older scouts in the wild places. They have been with the pack for many moons, and have been a source of pride for us all. But now it is time that they must leave us and search out greater adventure.
Sr. Patrol Leader: I understand you and I will accept them into my tribe and guide them in those wild places.
(Akela now leads the cubs, one at a time, to the bridge between Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA. He removes their blue shoulder loops. The scout crosses the bridge to a Scouts BSA member waiting with Scouts BSA handbook, troop neckerchief, and green shoulder loops.)
Akela: These scouts are no longer with our pack, yet we still call on the Great Akela of all Cub Scouts to always guide their way. We ask that the Great Akela watch over them as they learn to soar with Eagles in the wild places. And, in the fullness of time, we pray that these scouts will return, tall and proud and strong, and present their own cubs to be accepted into the pack. But until then, let us send them on their way with a mighty wolf howl.
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