Arrow of Light Simple Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for AoL scouts.
Cubmaster, AoL Den Leader, AoL Den Chief
Cubmaster: Tonight we are assembled to honor those scouts who have earned the Arrow of Light Award. The Arrow of Light is the highest rank a Cub Scout can reach. So, it is an honor tonight to present the Arrow of Light Award to these scouts.
We are striving to make it possible for every Cub Scout to attain this rank before leaving the Pack to go into a troop. These scouts have brought honor to our Pack. They have diligently climbed the Cub Scouting trail. They are now ready to go on to a bigger adventure in the great brotherhood of Scouting.
Den Chief [name], please bring [names of Arrow of Light candidates] and their parents to the front.
The parents will please stand behind their scouts. Den Leader [name], you have had much to do with the progress of these scouts. Do you think them worthy of the Webelos tribe?
Webelos Den Leader: Yes, I consider them worthy.
Cubmaster: Den Chief, are they worthy?
Den Chief: They are.
Cubmaster: Parents, you have played the most important part in developing the character of these candidates. One of the greatest purposes of Cub Scouting is to develop comradeship between parents and their children. As you have worked together, your scouts have learned to do things, to be useful, and to appreciate you. To you should go the honor of presenting your scouts their awards.
Our Arrow of Light den leader will give the awards and certificates to you for presentation to your children. Scouts, please face your parents.
(AoL den leader presents certificates, awards, and safety pins to parents. The parents then pin the awards on their children and congratulate them.)
(Parent pins may also be passed out to the Scouts so they can affix them to their parent's lapel.)
We are striving to make it possible for every Cub Scout to attain this rank before leaving the Pack to go into a troop. These scouts have brought honor to our Pack. They have diligently climbed the Cub Scouting trail. They are now ready to go on to a bigger adventure in the great brotherhood of Scouting.
Den Chief [name], please bring [names of Arrow of Light candidates] and their parents to the front.
The parents will please stand behind their scouts. Den Leader [name], you have had much to do with the progress of these scouts. Do you think them worthy of the Webelos tribe?
Webelos Den Leader: Yes, I consider them worthy.
Cubmaster: Den Chief, are they worthy?
Den Chief: They are.
Cubmaster: Parents, you have played the most important part in developing the character of these candidates. One of the greatest purposes of Cub Scouting is to develop comradeship between parents and their children. As you have worked together, your scouts have learned to do things, to be useful, and to appreciate you. To you should go the honor of presenting your scouts their awards.
Our Arrow of Light den leader will give the awards and certificates to you for presentation to your children. Scouts, please face your parents.
(AoL den leader presents certificates, awards, and safety pins to parents. The parents then pin the awards on their children and congratulate them.)
(Parent pins may also be passed out to the Scouts so they can affix them to their parent's lapel.)
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