This Award is meant for All scouts, Venturer scouts.
The Honor Medal is presented to Scouts and Scouters who have shown courage in attempting to save a life at considerable risk to self.
This award has been presented posthumously to Scouts who have died while attempting to save the life of another.
In very exceptional cases the award is presented with crossed gold palms to Scouts and Scouters who have attempted to save a life at extreme risk to self demonstrating exceptional heroism and extraordinary skill or resourcefulness.
Knot Description: Red on red knot on tan background with tan border.
Award Requirements: Submit a recommendation with this Nomination Form. The National Court of Honor decides the merits of a submitted act and decides which, if any, recognition is awarded.
Comments: Jun 28, 2013 - Sharon E.
On 6/28/2013 my son, who is a scout in Troop 773 saved his friends life from choking! Aaron E., my son was with his friend Dalton at his house playing video games and eating crackers when Dalton starting making a funny sound, stood up and began showing the sign of some one choking. Dalton held his hands around his throat, which made my son Aaron realize his friend was in trouble. Without heitation Aaron performed the Heimlich on his friend and saw the food fly out of his mouth. Daltons mom heard the noise and came in to check and Aaron told her the story. Dalton was scared and crying but was ok. Daltons mom was so happy she thanked my son over and over and kissed him! I am so proud of my son and wanted someone else to know too! Thank you, Sharon E.
Jun 28, 2013 - Yukon Jack
@ Sharon. Congrats to your son, quite the quick thinker indeed! However, as the Honor Medal requires at least some degree of risk to self, this award might not get approved. (This is the textbook example of what the Heroism Medal was made for, which is why I am baffled as to why the National COH discontinued it in 2012.) I'd wager your son could get awarded the Medal of Merit for using scouting skills to save a life when he was not in peril himself. Good luck.
May 22, 2020 - Bryan Nakamura
I'm an Honor Medal recipient (ca. 1974?), trying to find a list of recipients and/or if I was ever mentioned in Boys Life mag. Aloha Council, Troop 199, Kane'ohe, Hawai'i, sponsored by the Kane'ohe Higashi Hongwanji. Fellow troopmember Christopher Medeiros was also awarded at the same time. Mahalo!
May 23, 2020 - Scouter Paul
@Bryan- There's no public published list. I bet your council
would have record of your achievement.
Jul 17, 2022 - Henry Weis
I am surprised that a list has not been made. I wear the Honor
medal w/crossed palms #309 as I was told. Awarded in 2018.
To the previous question They contact you if your story is
printed. Mine was in Nov/Dec issue of scouting. They
contacted me ahead of time for a picture.
Oct 05, 2022 - Yukon Jack
@ Henry Weis
Scouter Paul is correct, the list has never been published. The
closest ever done was Daniel Carter Beard published a book in 1932
called "Boy Heroes" that had "all" the Honor Medal recipients through
1931. (I say "all" as when you count the names, his book is missing
three and incorrectly lists another two in the wrong year with the
wrong level of award.)
I have been working for over a decade to compile a master list and
while I have 99% of the names from 1910-1932, more recent numbers elude
me. I have also worked to compile the names of the HMCPs and I thank
you for providing yours with the number #309.
I also collect old HMs and have about a dozen in my collection from
before 1960. While this pursuit is not my employment, I do work on it
from time to time as able to record and compile history so it is not
Aug 12, 2023 - CM Rick
It would be nice if there were even just an annual report of some of
those who earned any of the three Lifesaving Awards. Even just first
names, program and rank, and a brief description of what they did
(similar to the old Boys' Life's "Scouts in Action" comic.) Being able
to quote a few such stories would be a great recruiting tool.
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