Skin the Snake Activity
This Activity is meant for Cub Scouts.
Scouts stand in single file.
Each scout reaches down between their own legs with their right hand.
Each scout grabs the right hand of the scout in front of them with their left hand.
On 'GO', the front scout walks backwards, straddling all the scouts in line. As the scout does this, the 2nd scout is pulled along, doing the same thing.
When the last scout is pulled to standing, the snake is skinned and the patrol gives a yell.
Each scout reaches down between their own legs with their right hand.
Each scout grabs the right hand of the scout in front of them with their left hand.
On 'GO', the front scout walks backwards, straddling all the scouts in line. As the scout does this, the 2nd scout is pulled along, doing the same thing.
When the last scout is pulled to standing, the snake is skinned and the patrol gives a yell.
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