Signs Up Activity
This Activity is meant for Scout scouts.
I just invented this for a patrol of new scouts at their first patrol meeting as a way to get them used to the sign. But, they kept playing it for about 15 minutes.
Have all scouts sit in a circle facing inward.
One scout is chose as 'IT'. IT stands up as everyone else in the circle closes their eyes.
The scout walks once around the outside of the circle and taps one scout on the back.
When IT gets back to their spot, IT sits down and says, "Heads Up!".
Everyone starts talking, making lots of noise, and keeping their eyes watching everyone else in the group.
The scout that was tapped makes the Scout Sign whenever desired.
The first scout to see the sign, put the sign up, and stop talking wins.
The winner gets to be IT and walk the circle and tap the next person.
One scout is chose as 'IT'. IT stands up as everyone else in the circle closes their eyes.
The scout walks once around the outside of the circle and taps one scout on the back.
When IT gets back to their spot, IT sits down and says, "Heads Up!".
Everyone starts talking, making lots of noise, and keeping their eyes watching everyone else in the group.
The scout that was tapped makes the Scout Sign whenever desired.
The first scout to see the sign, put the sign up, and stop talking wins.
The winner gets to be IT and walk the circle and tap the next person.
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