Marshmallow Kick, Throw, and Blow Activity
3 large marshmallows per scout
Set up the kicking, throwing, and blowing stations separately so groups can rotate through them with minimized waiting.
Kick: Each scout stands at the kicking line and kicks one marshmallow as far as possible. The distance is measured and tallied. You might have a rule that a scout can have a second attempt if it is missed or goes less than 1 foot.
Throw: Each scout stands at the throwing line and throws one marshmallow as far as possible. The distance is measured and tallied.
Blow: Each scout stands at the blowing line and puts a marshmallow in their mouth and blows it as far as possible. The distance is measured and tallied.
The winner is the one with the farthest combined distances. Or, do as a patrol competition and add up the Kick, Throw and Blow scores for each patrol member. Divide by number of patrol members to reach an average. Patrol with the highest score wins.
Throw: Each scout stands at the throwing line and throws one marshmallow as far as possible. The distance is measured and tallied.
Blow: Each scout stands at the blowing line and puts a marshmallow in their mouth and blows it as far as possible. The distance is measured and tallied.
The winner is the one with the farthest combined distances. Or, do as a patrol competition and add up the Kick, Throw and Blow scores for each patrol member. Divide by number of patrol members to reach an average. Patrol with the highest score wins.
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Aug 31, 2014 - Alicia
I think that boys are going to really like this activity.....
Sep 21, 2015 - Lindsay
Do not like the activity because it wastes food.
Sep 21, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Lindsay - Well, if you consider marshmallows to be food, I guess
that could be a concern. I don't think they are being wasted.
They are not being eaten, but they are being used for
entertainment, team building, and competition.
You could use just one marshmallow per scout and have them blow it, then throw it, then kick it. After all that, I bet some of them would still want to eat it. :-)
You could use just one marshmallow per scout and have them blow it, then throw it, then kick it. After all that, I bet some of them would still want to eat it. :-)
Sep 28, 2015 - Cynthia
If you're worried about wasting food,would balls of cotton or pillow fluffing may also
Jun 08, 2016 - Eldon
Best done in a parking lot or field. After kicking, scouts stand at their marshmellow and throw
from there. Then blow from the end of their throw. In this way you see who is leading and it
gets exciting at the end when they are blowing for the win. Measuring every throw can take
some time.
Sep 07, 2016 - Deborah Robertson
keeps boys moving and excited. I made awards for the winners. Awesome
Oct 02, 2016 - Kate
Sounds like fun! Will use for family campout
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