Glow Team Activity
glow bracelets

Glow stick bracelets can be purchased for less than 10 cents each.
Meet in a room that has no windows, or cover the windows with dark paper, or meet at night.
Explain that you will tell them challenges that they need to work together to solve. Once they feel they have solved the challenge, they should cheer then be quiet so they can hear the next challenge.
Give each scout a glow bracelet and turn off all the lights.
Some challenges to try:
- Each person creates their own personal ring:
- One fourth of you stand by each wall of the room
- Throw your ring to someone on the opposite wall and catch a ring thrown your way
- Roll your ring to someone across from you
- Create a chain
- Create a separate loop for each color
- Create one large loop
- Have everyone stand inside the loop
Other fun things to do with glow bracelets:
- Play disc golf - stick some up out in a field and throw rings at them
- Play frisbee
- Play horseshoes
- See how high you can throw it and catch it
- Try to throw it over the point of a flagpole
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