Frisbee Bridge Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA, Webelos scouts.
a frisbee for each scout
define a start line and finish line a little less than 4 feet times number of scouts apart (6 people = 22 feet, 10 people = 37 feet).
Teams can throw their frisbees from the start line and hope they land close enough to step from one to the next. Better solution is to throw one, then someone steps on it and throws his, then returns. Continue one step at a time.
These frisbees have a special property in that they insulate a person from high voltages. In the ground over there live thousands of electric earthworms with 10,000 volt charges. If you touch the ground, you will become an instant crispy critter or if you disturb the worms they might just come up out of the ground and zap you anyway.
But, its very important that your entire patrol reach the other side of that ground because there is an underground switch there that will turn off the worms if enough weight is stomped on it.
Objective: Get all scouts from start to finish.
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But, its very important that your entire patrol reach the other side of that ground because there is an underground switch there that will turn off the worms if enough weight is stomped on it.
Objective: Get all scouts from start to finish.
- Only the frisbees can touch the ground.
- Everyone throws their own frisbee.
- Only one chance to throw your frisbee.
- Only one scout at a time can be over the electric worm bed or else the worms will be disturbed by the extra weight.
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