Can Store Compass Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA.
9 stakes and hammer
50 foot measuring string
50 foot measuring string

Set Up:
Label each of 8 stakes with one letter - C, A, N, S, T, O, R, E
Place the unlabeled stake in the center of the area which will be used for the activity.
Attach the measuring string to the center stake.
With your compass and labeled stakes, walk away from the center stake at a bearing of 180 degrees (due south) until the measuring string is taut.
Drive the stake labeled R into the ground.
Walk around the center stake in a large clockwise circle until the bearing back to the center stake is 72 degrees. Drive the stake labeled E into the ground here.
Continue your walk around the center stake, driving stakes in at these locations:
C - 92, A - 160, N - 212, S - 244, T - 292, O - 328
When finished, you should have a layout like the picture. The bearings you took back to the stake are just the opposite of those heading out to the stakes.
Each scout receives an instruction card like this one.

This card tells the players their route number (1), starting position (stake R), and bearings which direct them from marker to marker around the course. This card is route #1 and the scout starts by standing at stake R and walking to the stake closest to a 32 degree bearing. From there, the player takes a bearing of 196 degrees, and so on.
Each scout copies down the letter on each stake along the route. The six letter code word produced is checked against the code word for their route number on the answer sheet.
Route Cards
Answer Sheet
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Feb 24, 2016 - Emilo
Great compass activity. Just one question. Do you add the different letters to the stakes i.e. P,X,T forthe answers?
Feb 24, 2016 - Scouter Paul
@Emilio - Above, it states, "Label each of 8 stakes with one
letter - C, A, N, S, T, O, R, E"
There are no other letters used.
There are no other letters used.
Feb 06, 2019 - Steve
We increase the difficulty of this game by putting
more stakes out, some with letters not part of the
answer,and/or some with identical letters on
adjacent stakes, which demonstrates the need for
accuracy. And we don't tell the scouts why their
answer is wrong (as in, "your answer should not have
a 'Q' in it," or "you started going wrong on the
third letter), although after a couple of missed
tries, we'll send an observer with them to give some
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