Candle Duel Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA.
candle and squirtgun for each scout (or at least 4 candles and guns)
a lighter
water supply
a lighter
water supply
Position duelists about 10-15 feet apart, depending on the range of squirtguns.
Stand a candle on the ground by each duelist and light it.
On "Ready - Aim - Fire!", each scout shoots at the opponent's candle one time. Repeat until the first to extinguish the candle is the winner.
You can have a competition within each patrol to determine the patrol champion and then have them represent their patrol in a troop championship.
You can have duel winners advance to determine the troop champion in a single-elimination tournament.
You can have each patrol duel every other patrol once and keep track of overall win-lose record to determine the champion patrol. A different scout in the patrol gets to do each duel so everyone gets a try.
Stand a candle on the ground by each duelist and light it.
On "Ready - Aim - Fire!", each scout shoots at the opponent's candle one time. Repeat until the first to extinguish the candle is the winner.
You can have a competition within each patrol to determine the patrol champion and then have them represent their patrol in a troop championship.
You can have duel winners advance to determine the troop champion in a single-elimination tournament.
You can have each patrol duel every other patrol once and keep track of overall win-lose record to determine the champion patrol. A different scout in the patrol gets to do each duel so everyone gets a try.
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Aug 17, 2016 - Emily
This seems like it would be really fun! I am going to try it at our picnic this weekend!
Feb 02, 2019 - GirlAsABoyScout
Honestly, not the best indoor game per say, but definitely
out there. Maybe try a different target besides LIT CANDLES?
Feb 02, 2019 - Scouter Paul
@GirlAs... - I had over 50 candles on my birthday cake last year
so I don't feel that a lit candle is really much of a fire danger.
But, hey, shoot at squares of toilet paper, sugar cubes, or
anything that sounds fun. Or, just save this one for outdoors if
that sounds better.
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