Bomb the Flame Activity
This Activity should be done Outside.
for each patrol:
sticks and string
beach of pebbles and rocks
sticks and string
beach of pebbles and rocks
This activity is great on a campout by a shallow lake, especially at dusk.
Each patrol receives a tea candle.
Scouts build a small raft using sticks and string on which to float their candle.
When all patrols are ready, their candles are lit and the rafts are launched into the lake. It's a good idea to have each raft tethered by a 40 foot string and wade them out from shore.
(You could anchor each raft in place with a string to a rock, if you want.)
When all rafts are launched and leader gives 'GO' signal, all scouts throw rocks at every raft except their own.
The last candle left burning wins the round.
Pull in the rafts, relight the candles, and play again.
Consider drawing a line in the sand back from shore to make it more difficult.
If you have 'skippable' rocks, that makes it even more fun.
Patrols may develop partnerships to take out the 'best' patrol first over time.
If you just have a gravel parking lot, it works almost as well.
Scouts build a small raft using sticks and string on which to float their candle.
When all patrols are ready, their candles are lit and the rafts are launched into the lake. It's a good idea to have each raft tethered by a 40 foot string and wade them out from shore.
(You could anchor each raft in place with a string to a rock, if you want.)
When all rafts are launched and leader gives 'GO' signal, all scouts throw rocks at every raft except their own.
The last candle left burning wins the round.
Pull in the rafts, relight the candles, and play again.
Consider drawing a line in the sand back from shore to make it more difficult.
If you have 'skippable' rocks, that makes it even more fun.
Patrols may develop partnerships to take out the 'best' patrol first over time.
If you just have a gravel parking lot, it works almost as well.
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