Balloon Olympics Activity
about 50 balloons not blown up
about 100 balloons already blown up
some string
about 100 balloons already blown up
some string
Each team selects a contest for each of the events so that everyone gets to do an event. Award points for 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each event.
- Biggest Balloon - blow up a balloon as big as possible without popping it. Each contestant should not be able to see the others until finished.
- Balloon Blow - be the first to blow up a balloon until it pops.
- Balloon Throw - throw a balloon the farthest.
- Balloon Kick - kick a balloon the farthest.
- Balloon Aloft - keep your balloon aloft the longest by only blowing on it. Touch it and you are out.
- Balloon Badminton - teams of two bat their balloon back and forth over a high rope. The most exchanges in a time limit wins.
- Balloon Battle - tie balloon around ankle. Stomp on other contestants' balloons while being the last one with a balloon.
- Balloon Retrieval - retrieve 10 balloons scattered around an area. Bring one at a time back to your team. (possibly assign a specific color to each team)
- Balloon Relay - team stands in a line and bats each balloon down the line with open hands. Be first team to move all 10 balloons from one end to the other.
- Balloon Burst - first to pop all 10 balloons by sitting on them.
- Balloon Balance - Each scout balances a small balloon on a large ballon, carrying them the finish line and back to team.
- Other Events - make up more and I'll add them.
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Jun 30, 2013 - Heidi Rizzo
We played these games at our pack family camp this weekend and the kids loved them! We also added putting a balloon between your legs and hopping to the finish line. Thanks for all the great activities!
Jan 21, 2014 - Ashley Warner
Armchair challenge, using stickytape (selotape in the UK)build a simple balloon armchair which can support the weight of a scout. simple but fun activity.
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