Outdoor Code
As an American I will do my best to be:
Jan 16, 2015 - John
Would one use the Scout sign while repeating the Outdoor Code? I can't find any information on in. It has always been a practice when ever I've seen it but was wondering.
Jan 16, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@John - There is no official stipulation that the scout sign should be made when reciting the Outdoor Code. Typically, troops that recite it just include it along with the Scout Oath and Law so they already have the sign in place and continue that through the Outdoor Code.
Apr 14, 2017 - Joshua Garcoa
Like they teach us....."Do your best".... I try to do my best to
follow these rules when we go out for a hike, walk, camping,
etc.....Everybody should learn this!
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