Revised January, 2019
Requirements for the Communication merit badge:
- Do ONE of the following:
- For one day, keep a log in which you describe your communication activities. Keep track of the time and different ways you spend communicating, such as talking person-to-person, listening to teachers, the radio, or podcasts, watching television, using social media, reading books and other print media, and using any electronic communication device. Discuss with your counselor what your log reveals about the importance of communication in your life. Think of ways to improve your communications skills.
- For three days, keep a journal of your listening experiences. Identify one example of each of the following, and discuss with your counselor when you have listened to:
- Obtain information
- Be persuaded
- Appreciate or enjoy something
- Understand someone's feelings
- In a small-group setting, meet with other scouts or with friends. Have them share personal stories about significant events in their lives that affected them in some way. Take note of how each scout participates in the group discussion and how effectively each scout communicates their story. Report what you have learned to your counselor about the differences you observed in effective communication.
- List as many ways as you can think of to communicate with others (face-to-face, by telephone, letter, e-mail, text messages, social media, and so on). For each type of communication discuss with your counselor an instance when that method might not be appropriate or effective.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Think of a creative way to describe yourself, using, for example, a collage, short story or autobiography, drawing or series of photographs, or a song or skit. Using the aid you created, make a presentation to your counselor about yourself.
- Choose a concept, product, or service in which you have great confidence. Build a sales plan based on its good points. Try to persuade the counselor to agree with, use, or buy your concept, product or service. After your sales talk, discuss with your counselor how persuasive you were.
- Write a five-minute speech. Give it at a meeting of a group.
- Interview someone you know fairly well, like, or respect because of his or her position, talent, career or life experiences. Listen actively to learn as much as you can about the person. Then prepare and deliver to your counselor an introduction of the person as though this person were to be a guest speaker, and include reasons why the audience would want to hear this person speak. Show how you would call to invite this person to speak.
- Attend a public meeting (city council, school board, debate) approved by your counselor where several points of view are given on a single issue. Practice active listening skills and take careful notes of each point of view. Prepare an objective report that includes all points of view that were expressed, and share this with your counselor.
- With your counselor's approval, develop a plan to teach a skill or inform someone about something. Prepare teaching aids for your plan. Carry out your plan. With your counselor, determine whether the person has learned what you intended.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Write to the editor of a magazine or your local newspaper to express your opinion or share information on any subject you choose. Send your message by fax, email or regular mail.
- Create a web page or blog of special interest to you (for instance, your troop or crew, a hobby, or a sport). Include at least three articles or entries and one photograph or illustration, and one link to some other web page or blog that would be helpful to someone who visits the web page or blog you have created. It is not necessary to post your web page or blog to the internet, but if you decide to do so, you must first share it with your parents and counselor and get their permission.
- Use desktop publishing to produce a newsletter, brochure, flier or other printed material for your scout troop, class at school, or other group. Include at least one article and one photograph or illustration.
- Plan a troop or crew court of honor, campfire program, or interfaith worship service. Have the patrol leaders' council approve it, then write the script and prepare the program. Serve as master of ceremonies.
- Find out about three career opportunities in communication. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. Discuss this with your counselor, and explain why this profession might interest you.
Jun 27, 2014 - LV300
I recommend doing the 8th one and the 5th one ASAP because you may have to wait another year before getting the chance to do them. This really is one you must truly work towards.
Aug 09, 2016 - Virgil Yost N0XRS
Is there any thing I need to do to participate in JOTA on Oct.15. �Amateur radio operator, help B. S. get merit badge. �
Thanks. V.W.Yost. N0XRS
Aug 09, 2016 - Scouter Paul
@Virgil - Thanks for thinking of helping out local Scouts. Please see this BSA JOTA page for info about participating as a Radio Operator.
Jul 10, 2017 - Sky Tran
Are there any pre-requirements for this merit badge?
Jul 10, 2017 - Scouter Paul
@Sky - no.
May 19, 2020 - Nick New
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how would approach Req. 7?
May 19, 2020 - Clark
The scout could do option C, and write a newspaper for the troop, interview several different scouts in the troop or even survey what other troops are doing during Shelter in place. Focus on how they try to work on advancement, etc. Then email it to the troop
May 19, 2020 - Jane
@Nick New - Scouts I have worked with have mostly chosen option 7c. A couple examples: they have created flyers about an upcoming troop event or a brochure about the troop. The printed item does not have to be published anywhere (although it can be, if the Scout wants to).
7b. could also be an option. Some word processors like Word can be used to save a document as a web page. It all depends on what software the Scout has access to and is comfortable using or learning how to use.
7b. could also be an option. Some word processors like Word can be used to save a document as a web page. It all depends on what software the Scout has access to and is comfortable using or learning how to use.
May 26, 2020 - Amaya Golovich
Thank you this helped me alot.
Dec 20, 2020 - Sarah
We combined 7c and 9. That seems to work very well.
Jan 04, 2021 - Doc Daniel
Have the scouts read requirement #8 very carefully as the steps are very
1. Plan the court of honor, Sunday service, or campfire program (this is just the outline stage--not the full script)
2. Have the PLC approve it.
3. Write the script--get volunteers for certain positions
4. Act as MC
I'm Troop Chaplain, and I get approached all the time about this sort of thing. Usually the scout has skipped step 1 and messed up step 2--they didn't plan anything, and they're asking me instead of the PLC. So, have the scout really pay attention to the details of the written requirement.
I reserve Sunday Interfaith Worship for our monthly campouts. Trying to shoehorn a worship into a regular troop meeting is a poor fit. A campfire program, on the other hand, is completely doable within the first or last 10-15 minutes of a troop meeting. Also, it's a lot more fun than trying to pantomime a worship service. This gives the Comms MB hopefuls a lot more opportunities to do requirement 8.
Hope this helps. Enjoy earning or helping to earn this merit badge.
1. Plan the court of honor, Sunday service, or campfire program (this is just the outline stage--not the full script)
2. Have the PLC approve it.
3. Write the script--get volunteers for certain positions
4. Act as MC
I'm Troop Chaplain, and I get approached all the time about this sort of thing. Usually the scout has skipped step 1 and messed up step 2--they didn't plan anything, and they're asking me instead of the PLC. So, have the scout really pay attention to the details of the written requirement.
I reserve Sunday Interfaith Worship for our monthly campouts. Trying to shoehorn a worship into a regular troop meeting is a poor fit. A campfire program, on the other hand, is completely doable within the first or last 10-15 minutes of a troop meeting. Also, it's a lot more fun than trying to pantomime a worship service. This gives the Comms MB hopefuls a lot more opportunities to do requirement 8.
Hope this helps. Enjoy earning or helping to earn this merit badge.
Jan 09, 2021 - Ellen 206
Thank you Doc Daniel and all - great tips to help scouts move along with
this merit badge in these quarantine times. Appreciated!
Feb 24, 2021 - Isaac Frentheway
I'm a star scout, almost life, and was wonder if requirement 6 also be
used for Life requirement 6?
Feb 24, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Isaac - Sounds like a good idea to me!
Mar 19, 2021 - Scout Mom
For 7a, Scout Life magazine has a form set up to write a letter to
the editor: scoutlife.org/contact-us/communications-mb/
Apr 23, 2021 - Rochelle
I am confused on requirement 8. My Scout already has approval to plan an
interfaith worship service during a troop campout next month.
He is working on it now.
What does "Serve as master of ceremonies" mean? Is that something totally different? Like during the Court of Honor?
He is working on it now.
What does "Serve as master of ceremonies" mean? Is that something totally different? Like during the Court of Honor?
Apr 23, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Rochelle - That means the scout is the person to lead the program. The
scout would most likely start and end the program, and direct others to do
their parts.
In your scout's case, he might lead all the parts of the worship service, or introduce each person to perform their role.
In your scout's case, he might lead all the parts of the worship service, or introduce each person to perform their role.
May 30, 2023 - Charlie
Does it have to be a troop meeting/event for the speech in
requirement 3?
May 31, 2023 - Scouter Paul
@Charlie - No, it does not.
Jun 11, 2023 - Katherine
Communication’s merit badge requirement #8 states - Plan a troop or
crew court of honor, campfire program, or interfaith worship service.
Have the patrol leaders' council approve it, then write the script and
prepare the program. Serve as master of ceremonies.
Does a scout have to MC the whole event on their own to successfully
complete Communication MB requirement #8? Or could there be two MCs
working on the program, getting the PLC approval, writing the script
and both delivering and the content on the day of the CoH resulting
both complete Communications MB requirement 8 by either both
contributing to each sub requirement or some type of division of labor?
Jun 11, 2023 - Scouter Paul
@Katherine - Just as all the other requirements are intended to be
completed by A scout, so is #8. The vast majority of merit badge
requirements are intended to be completed by A scout. Some specifically
indicate that a companion or group is needed, such as #8 for the Canoeing
merit badge.
Jun 21, 2023 - Charlie
For requirement 5 do you have to actually attend the meeting on
watch it online?
Jun 27, 2023 - Scouter Paul
@Charlie - If you ask your counselor beforehand, they can let you know if
that's good enough. Since the requirement is passive (the scout listens
and reports), I expect an online meeting would suffice just fine.
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