Conducting a Board of Review
Table of Contents
- Purpose of a Board of Review
- Members of a Board of Review
- Workings of a Board of Review
- Questioning
- General Questions
- Tenderfoot Rank
- 2nd Class Rank
- 1st Class Rank
- Star Rank
- Life Rank
- Eagle Rank
Purpose of a Board of Review
A periodic review of the progress of a Scout is vital in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Scouting program in the unit. The unit committee can judge how well the Scout being reviewed is benefiting from the program. The unit leader can measure the effectiveness of his or her leadership. Scouts can sense that they are, or are not, advancing properly and can be encouraged to make the most of their Scouting experience.
Not only is it important to review those Scouts who have learned and been tested for a rank, but also to review those Scouts who have shown no progress in their advancement over the past few months.
Participants in a Board of Review must keep these objectives in mind:
- Ensure the Scout has completed requirements for the rank.
- Evaluate the experience the Scout is having in the unit.
- Encourage the Scout to progress further.
The Board also provides an opportunity for the Scout to develop and practice skills needed in an interview situation, and it is an opportunity for the Scout to review accomplishments.
The Board of Review is not a retesting of requirements - the Scout has already been tested on the skills and activities required for the rank. However, the chairman of the Board of Review should ensure that all the requirements have been signed off in the Scout's handbook. Additionally, the chairman should ensure that leadership and merit badge records are consistent with the requirements for the rank.
The Board of Review is a time to determine the Scout's attitudes, accomplishments, and acceptance of Scouting Ideals. Scout Spirit is defined as living the Scout Oath and Scout Law in a Scout's everyday life. The board should make sure that good standards have been met in all phases of the Scout's life. A discussion of the Scout Oath and Scout Law is in keeping with the purpose of the review, to make sure that the candidate recognizes and understands the value of Scouting in the home, unit, school, and community.
Members of a Board of Review
For all ranks (except Eagle), the Board of Review consists of three to six members of the Troop Committee. The Troop Advancement Chairperson typically acts as the chairperson of the Board of Review. The Scout and parents have no part in selecting any board of review members. Relatives or guardians may not serve as members of a Scout's Board of Review. Unit leaders (Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters) may not participate in a Board of Review.
Scouting America has placed the Eagle Scout board of review in the hands of either the troop, district, or council committee responsible for advancement. The local council will decide which method or methods may be used within its units. For the rank of Eagle, the Board of Review consists of three to six members drawn from Scouting and the community. The members of the Board of Review are selected by the unit, district, or council, depending on the council guidelines. At least one member of the District Advancement Committee must be a member of the Board of Review for Eagle, and normally serves as chairperson of the Board of Review. Unit leaders from the Scout's unit, relatives, or guardians may not serve as members of a Scout's Board of Review for Eagle. A Board of Review for Eagle may contain members of the community who are not registered Scouters; however, they should be knowledgeable of the principles of Scouting. For example, a representative from a chartering organization, an adult Eagle Scout (even if not currently registered), or a religious leader are frequently asked to assist with an Eagle Board of Review. As a general rule, no more than one member of an Eagle Board should be associated with the Scout's unit.
Workings of a Board of Review
The Scout should be in full uniform.
The Chairperson of the board greets the Scout and introduces the Scout to the board members.
The chairman of the board should ask the Scout to recite one or more of the following:
- Scout Motto
- Scout Slogan
- Scout Law
- Scout Oath
- Outdoor Code
For Tenderfoot and Second Class ranks, typically just the Scout Oath and Law are asked. For higher ranks, more should be expected. One or two re-tries are appropriate, especially for younger Scouts.
The board members ask appropriate questions of the Scout. Open-ended questions are better, allowing the Scout to speak about opinions, experiences, activities, and accomplishments.
If an answer is too brief, a good tool is to follow with a "Why?" or "How?" type question to prompt for more details. Questions regarding home, church, school, work, athletics, etc. are all appropriate, as well as scouting experiences.
A Board of Review should take from 15 to 30 minutes, with shorter time for lower ranks. When all board members have asked their questions, the Scout is asked to leave the room. The board members then decide if the Scout is ready for the next rank; the board's decision must be unanimous.
The Scout is asked back into the room and the Chairperson informs the Scout of the board's decision. When the Scout is approved for the next rank, there are general congratulations, and the Scout is encouraged to continue advancing. If there are issues which prevent the Scout from advancing, the board must detail the deficiencies so the Scout can correct them. The Scout must be told specifically what must be done in order to be successful at the next Board of Review. The Chairperson sends a written follow up to both the Scout and the Scoutmaster, regarding the deficiencies and the course of action needed to correct them.
A Board of Review for Eagle is similar to other Boards of Review, except that it lasts longer with more questioning and discussion. The Eagle Scout Rank application, Letters of Recommendation, and Eagle Project notebook are reviewed by the board. Questions can include asking about these documents as well as areas used in lower rank reviews.
See BSA page for more details.
The following sections contain typical Board of Review questions for each rank. The questions for the lower ranks tend to deal with factual information about the Scout's participation in the troop, and the Scout's approach to applying the skills the Scout has learned toward earning the next rank. The questions for the higher ranks explore how Scouting is becoming an integral part of the Scout's life. Questions like, "Where did you learn about ..." or "Why do you think it is important for a [rank] Scout to have this skill?" are valid, but don't retest skills.
If a Scout appears nervous or anxious about the Board of Review, it might be appropriate to ask one or two questions from the list for a lower rank, to make the Scout more at ease. In general, within a rank, the questions are arranged from "easiest" to "most difficult".
The Board of Review will need to select the questions which are appropriate for the particular Scout and the Scout's experiences.
What Every Scout Should Know
Scout Oath:
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Law:
A Scout is ...
Scout Motto:
Be Prepared.
Scout Slogan:
Do a good turn daily.
Outdoor Code:
As an American, I will do my best to be:
Clean in my outdoor manners,
Careful with fire,
Considerate in the outdoors, and
Tenderfoot Rank
This is the Scout's first experience with a Board of Review. The process may require some explanation on the part of the Board of Review Chairperson.
The first few questions in the Board of Review should be simple. The Board of Review should try to gain a sense of how the Scout is fitting in to the Troop, and the Scout's level of enjoyment of the Troop and Patrol activities.
Encourage advancement to 2nd Class. Point out that the Scout may have already completed many of the requirements for 2nd Class.
The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 15-20 minutes.
Sample Tenderfoot Questions:
- When did you join our Troop?
- How many Troop meetings have you attended in the last two months?
- What did you do at your last patrol meeting?
- Tell us about your last Troop campout.
- How would the first aid skills you must know for Tenderfoot help on a campout?
- Where did you learn how to fold the American flag? Tell us about your first experience with this skill.
- How would you avoid poison oak (poison ivy, sumac)?
- Where did you go on your hike? How did you choose the location?
- If you were on a hike and got lost, what would you do?
- Why do we whip or fuse the ends of a rope?
- What is the "Buddy System" that we use in Scouting? When do we use it?
- Why do you think there are physical fitness requirements (push-ups, pull-ups, etc.), and a retest after 30 days, for the Tenderfoot rank?
- What does it mean to a Tenderfoot Scout to "Be Prepared"?
- Do you feel that you have done your best to complete the requirements for Tenderfoot? Why?
- What "good turn" have you done today?
- Please give us an example of how you obey the Scout Law at home (school, church)?
- What do you like best about our Troop?
- What does it mean for a Scout to be "Kind"?
- Do you have any special plans for this summer? The Holidays?
- When do you plan to have the requirements completed for 2nd Class?
More Tenderfoot Questions
2nd Class Rank
This is the Scout's second Board of Review. The process should be familiar, unless it has been some time since the Board of Review for Tenderfoot.
Questions should focus on the use of the Scout skills learned for this rank, without retesting these skills. The Board of Review should try to perceive how the Scout's patrol is functioning, and how this Scout is functioning within the patrol.
Encourage work on the remaining requirements for 1st Class; many of the easier ones may have already been completed.
The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 15-20 minutes.
Sample 2nd Class Questions:
- How many patrol meetings have you attended in the last 3 months?
- What did your patrol do at its last meeting?
- Tell us about a service project in which you participated.
- Where did you go on your last Troop campout? Did you have a good time? Why?
- Why is it important to be able to identify animals found in your community?
- Tell us about the flag ceremony in which you participated.
- What is in your personal first aid kit?
- What have you learned about handling woods tools (axes, saws, etc.)?
- How are a map of the area and a compass useful on a campout?
- Have you ever done more than one "good turn" in a day? Ask for details.
- Have you earned any merit badges?
If "Yes": Which ones? Why did you choose them? Who was your counselor?
If "No": Encourage getting started, and suggest one or two of the easier ones.
- Did you attend summer camp with our Troop last summer?
If "Yes": What was your best (worst) experience at summer camp?
If "No": Why not?
- Do you plan to attend summer camp with our Troop next summer?
If "Yes": What are you looking forward to doing at summer camp?
If "No": Why not?
- What suggestions do you have for improving our Troop?
- How do you help out at home, church, school?
- What class in school is most challenging for you? Why?
- One of the requirements for Second Class is to participate in a program regarding drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse. Tell us about the program in which you participated.
- How is it possible to live the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life?
- What does it mean to say, "A Scout is Trustworthy"?
- When do you expect to complete the requirements for 1st Class?
More Second Class Questions
1st Class Rank
By this point the Scout should be comfortable with the Board of Review process.
The Scout should be praised for the accomplishment of achieving 1st Class (particularly if the Scout joined Scouts BSA less than a year ago). In achieving the rank of 1st Class, the Scout should feel an additional sense of responsibility to the troop and patrol.
The 1st Class rank will produce additional opportunities for the Scout (Order of the Arrow, leadership, etc.).
Merit badges will begin to play a role in future advancement to the Star and Life ranks. Encourage merit badge work if it has not already begun.
The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 20 minutes.
Sample 1st Class Questions:
- On average, how many Troop meetings do you attend each month?
- What part of Troop meetings are most rewarding to you?
- What is the Scout Slogan? What does it mean for a 1st Class Scout?
- Tell us about your last campout with the Troop. Where did you go? How did you help with meal preparation? Did you have a good time? (If "No", why not?)
- If you were in charge of planning and preparing a dinner for your next campout, what would you select?
- As a 1st Class Scout, what do you think the Star, Life, and Eagle Scouts will expect from you on an outing?
- Does your family do any camping? What have you learned in Scouts, that you have been able to share with your family to improve their camping experiences?
- Why do you think that swimming is emphasized in Scouting?
- Why is it important for you to know how to transport a person who has a broken leg?
- Why is it important for you to be able to recognize local plant life?
- What did you learn about using a compass while completing the orienteering requirement?
- What does it mean to say, "A Scout is Courteous"?
- Why are merit badges a part of Scouting?
- How frequently do you attend religious services? Does your whole family attend?
- What is your most favorite part of Scouting? Least favorite?
- How does a Scout fulfill his "Duty to Country"?
- How do you define "Scout Spirit"?
- What is the Order of the Arrow? What is the primary function of OA?
- Who was Lord Baden-Powell?
- When do you think you might be ready for Star Scout?
More First Class Questions
Star Rank
With the Star rank, emphasis is placed upon service to others, merit badges, and leadership. Scout skills remain an important element for the Star Scout; however, the emphasis should be on teaching other Scouts these skills.
Explore how the Star scout can assist with leading the patrol and troop. Attempt to understand how the Scouting philosophy is becoming part of the Scout's life.
Often the Star rank is a place where Scouts "stall out". Encourage the Scout to remain active, and participate fully in the patrol and troop. If the Scout appears to be looking for additional opportunities, suggest leadership positions such as Den Chief or Troop Guide.
The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 20 minutes.
Sample Star Questions:
- How many Troop outings have you attended in the last three months?
- Tell us about the last service project in which you participated.
- What does it mean for a Star Scout to "Be Prepared" on a daily basis?
- How have the Scout skills that you have learned helped you in a non-Scouting activity?
- How many merit badges have you earned? What was the most difficult (fun, challenging, expensive, etc.)?
- Which is more important: Becoming a Star Scout, or learning the skills prescribed for a Star Scout?
- Why do you think a Scoutmaster's Conference is required for advancement in rank?
- What is the most important part of a Troop Court of Honor? Why?
- What leadership positions have you held outside of your patrol? What challenges did they present? What are your personal leadership goals and objectives?
- How would you get a Scout to do an unpleasant task?
- What extracurricular activities do you participate in at school?
- What responsibilities do you have at home?
- What is our "Duty to God"?
- What does it mean to say "A Scout is Loyal"?
- How are the Scout Oath and Law part of your daily life?
- What is the Outdoor Code? Why is it important?
- If the Scout is a member of the Order of the Arrow:
When did you complete your "Ordeal", "Brotherhood"?
What does membership in the OA signify?
- Have you received any special awards or accomplishments in school, athletics, or church?
- Baden-Powell's first Scout outing was located on an island off the coast of Great Britain; what was the name of that island? [Answer: Brownsea Island]
- When do you plan on achieving the Life rank?
More Star Questions
Life Rank
The Life rank is the final rank before Eagle. The Life Scout should be fully participating in the Troop, with emphasis being placed on leadership in the unit, as well as teaching skills and leadership to the younger Scouts.
Merit Badge work should be a regular part of the Scout's career. Scouting values and concepts should be an integral part of the Scout's daily life.
At this point, the Scout is starting to "give back to Scouting" through leadership, training of other Scouts, recruiting, keeping Scouts active in the program, etc.
Explore suggestions for improving the program.
The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 20 - 30 minutes.
Sample Life Questions:
- What is the most ambitious pioneering project with which you have assisted? Where?
- What has been your worst camping experience in Scouting?
- How many patrol meetings has your patrol held in the last three months? How many of them have you attended?
- Have any of the merit badges you have earned lead to hobbies or possible careers?
- What are your hobbies?
- Of the merit badges you have earned, which one do you think will be of greatest value to you as an adult? Why?
- Why do you think that the "Citizenship" merit badges are required for the Eagle Rank?
- What is your current (most recent) leadership position within the Troop? How long have you held that position? What particular challenges does it present? What is Leadership?
- Do you have any brothers or sisters who are in Scouts (any level)? What can you do to encourage them to continue with Scouts, and to move forward along the Scouting Trail?
- How do you choose between a school activity, a Scout activity, and a family activity?
- Why do you think that Star and Life Scouts are required to contribute so much time to service projects? What service projects are most rewarding to you? Why?
- Why do you think that a Board of Review is required for rank advancement?
- How has Scouting prepared you for the future?
- What does it mean to say, "A Scout is Reverent"?
- What does "Scout Spirit" mean to a Life Scout?
- Why do you think that Scouting for Food is referred to as a "National Good Turn".
- The Scout Oath refers to "Duty to Self"; what duty do we have to ourselves?
- If the Scout is a member of OA:
What role does OA play in Scouting?
What honor do you hold in OA?
What is the difference between Scout "ranks" and OA "honors"?
- In what year was Scouting America founded? [Answer: February 8, 1910]
- Have you begun to think about an Eagle Service Project? What are you thinking about doing? When?
More Life Questions
Eagle Rank
The Board of Review for the Eagle Rank is different from the other Boards of Review in which the Scout has participated. The members of the Board of Review are not all from the Scout's Troop Committee. Introductions are essential, and a few "break in" questions may be appropriate.
At this point, the goal is to understand the Scout's full Scouting experience, and how others can have similar meaningful Scouting experiences. Scouting principles and goals should be central to the Scout's life; look for evidence of this.
Although this is the final rank, this is not the end of the Scouting trail; "Once an Eagle, always an Eagle". Explore how this Eagle Scout will continue with Scouting activities, and continued service to home, church, and community.
The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 30 - 50 minutes.
Sample Eagle Questions:
- What would you suggest adding to the Scout Law (a thirteenth point)? Why?
- What one point could be removed from the Scout Law? Why?
- Why is it important to learn how to tie knots, and lash together poles and logs?
- What is the difference between a "Hollywood hero" and a real hero?
- Can you give me an example of someone who is a hero to you? (A real person, not a character in a book or movie.)
- Why do you think that the Family Life merit badge was recently added to the list of required merit badges?
- What camping experience have you had, that you wish every Scout could have?
- Have you been to Philmont or a National (International) Jamboree? What was your most memorable experience there?
- What is the role of the Senior Patrol Leader at a troop meeting (campout, summer camp)?
- If you could change one thing to improve Scouting, what would you change?
- What do you believe our society expects from an Eagle Scout?
- The charge to the Eagle requires that you give back to Scouting more than Scouting has given to you. How do you propose to do that?
- As an Eagle Scout, what can you personally do to improve your unit?
- What will you be doing in your unit, after receiving your Eagle Rank?
- Tell us how you selected your Eagle Service Project.
- From your Eagle Service Project, what did you learn about managing or leading people? What are the qualities of a good leader?
- What part of your Eagle Service Project was the most challenging? Why?
- If you were to manage another project similar to your Eagle Service Project, what would you do differently to make the project better or easier?
- What are your future plans (high school, college, trade school, military, career, etc.)?
- Tell us about your family (parents, siblings, etc.). How do you help out at home?
- What do you think is the single biggest issue facing Scouting in the future?
- How do your friends outside of Scouting react when they learn that you are a Scout? How do you think they will react when they learn that you have become an Eagle Scout?
- Why do you think that belief in God (a supreme being) is part of the Scouting requirements?
- How do you know when a Scout is "active" in his unit?
- You have been in Scouting for many years, sum up all of those experiences in one word. Why?
- What one thing have you gained from your Scoutmaster's conferences over the years?
- How does an Eagle Scout continue to show Scout Spirit?
- If the Scout is a member of the Order of the Arrow:
What does OA membership mean to you?
How does OA help Scouting and your unit?
- Who brought Scouting from England to the United States? [Answer: William D. Boyce]
- [Traditional last questions] Why should this Board of Review approve your request for the Eagle Rank? or Why should you be an Eagle Scout?
More Eagle Questions
More Tenderfoot Questions
- Personal Data
- When did you join the Troop?
- What grade are you in? What school?
- What hobbies do you have?
- Why did you join Scouts?
- What Do You Think
- How do you live the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life? If you find it a challenge how do you overcome it?
- What is a good turn? What good turns have you done lately?
- What troop outings have you attended? What do you think of them?
- What does "On My Honor" mean to you?
- What do you think people expect from you as a Scout?
- Teamwork
- Have you been able to make it to most of the troop meetings so far?
- What is the name of your patrol? Do you have a flag?
- Do you feel that you and your patrol are getting along?
- Is there anything you would like to see changed in the patrol or troop meetings?
- The Big Picture
- What do you like best about Scouting?
- How (or how not) has Scouting been what you thought it would be?
- Have you taken part in any recent service projects? Which ones?
- What are your long term plans in scouting?
- What are your plans for Second Class?
More Second Class Questions
- Personal Data
- How old are you?
- Do your friends at school know you're in Scouts?
- Do you ever take the time and just talk with members of your family? If so, who?
- Do you have a hero? If so, who and why?
- What Do You Think
- In the Scout Oath, what does "I will do my best" mean to you?
- Do you ever do more than one Good Turn Daily? What kinds?
- What point of the Scout Law is the most important to you? Why?
- Do you have a favorite youth or adult leader? If so, what makes that person a good leader?
- The Scout Motto is "Be Prepared". What does it mean to you?
- What do you think it means to be a Second Class Scout? What should people expect of you?
- Teamwork
- What did you do for you one (1) hour of service required for Second Class? What did you think of the project? What other service have you done?
- What type of service projects would you like to work on?
- Does your patrol have patrol meetings? Do you find them helpful? Is there something the troop can do to help your patrol have productive patrol meetings?
- Is there any part of the patrol program that you would like changed? How would you make these changes? What is the benefit of these changes?
- Your Progress
- What requirement for this rank was the hardest? Easiest?
- Have you started earning any merit badges? Which ones interest you, and why?
- Do you have any difficulty setting goals for yourself?
- Have you had a chance to cook outdoors? What did you like about it?
- What outdoor skills do you like best?
- The Big Picture
- What are your plans for First Class?
- Is there anything the troop can do to help you?
- What are your long term plans in scouting?
- What part of scouting interests you the most?
- Are you enjoying Scouting? Why or Why not?
- What is the first Patrol Leadership position you plan to run for?
More First Class Questions
- Personal Data
- What grade are you in?
- What do you like about school? What is your favorite subject?
- What do you tell your friends about the things you learn and do in Scouts?
- What Do You Think
- To you, what does it mean to "Do my duty to God"?
- What point of the Scout Law is the hardest for you to live up to?
- What more does "Be Prepared" mean to a First Class Scout, than to a Second Class Scout?
- What does "On my Honor" mean to you?
- Teamwork
- How does your Patrol function as a team? What part do you take in helping your Patrol?
- What was the last project your patrol worked on as a unit?
- How do you apply teamwork in your home? With friends?
- Have you had a chance to teach the younger Scouts any of your recently earned scout skills? What did you teach?
- What do you think Shared Leadership is?
- Your Progress
- What merit badges do you have?
- Which merit badge was the most valuable to you? Why?
- For this rank you met with a civil employee and discussed your constitutional rights and obligations. Who did you meet with, and what (if anything) did you get from your talk?
- What was the most challenging requirement (rank or merit badge)?
- Do you think that your first aid knowledge will actually help you? How? Have you had an opportunity to use any of it?
- The Big Picture
- What are your plans for your progress toward Star? Do you have a goal date when you would like to make Star by?
- If you had the opportunity to add or delete one (1) requirement for this rank, what would it be and why?
- What effect has Scouting had on your life?
- Do you have a long term goal for your Scouting career?
More Star Questions
- Personal Data
- What do you do with your spare time?
- What other activities do you participate in? (ie. sports, music, social/religious groups, etc.)
- How many younger siblings do you have? What sort of impression do you think you give them and others about Scouting?
- Do you keep a small sewing kit in your backpack? Have you ever had a need to use it while on an outing (ie. tent zipper, clothes rip, massive wound, etc)?
- Who makes sure your uniform is clean and the patches are all sewn on for you to wear?
- How do you help out at home? Do you do it to "chip in" or earn money?
- What Do You Think
- What should the statement, "A Scout is Trustworthy" mean to a Star Scout?
- What do you think the role of a Star Scout is in relationship to younger scouts?
- How does the Scout Oath affect the life of a Star Scout differently than it would the life of a Tenderfoot Scout?
- What do others have a right to expect of a Star Scout?
- What point of the Scout Law is the most important to you? Why?
- How do you feel that you live the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life?
- What is the Scout Slogan? {answer: "Do a Good Turn Daily"} What type of "Good Turns" do you do?
- Teamwork
- What part do you take in the Troop Meetings? Are you a leader or a follower?
- Do you hold a leadership position in the troop now? If so, which one and what are your responsibilities? If no, which position(s) have you held? Tell me a short story about your time as a leader.
- What service project did you work on to earn your required hours for this rank? What was your job on the project?
- How do you feel your patrol functions as a team?
- Have you ever tried to instill a change (long or short term) in your patrol? What was it? How? Did you get the results you wanted?
- Your Progress
- How would you describe the change in your thinking, actions, and performance since earning First Class? Were they through conscious effort?
- Which six (6) merit badges did you earn for this rank? Which was the most important to you? Why?
- What was the most interesting and/or unique requirement you have had in a merit badge?
- While working toward your Star did you learn anything that you would like to pass on to the younger Scouts? What?
- What have you learned that might help you as an adult?
- The Big Picture
- What is your goal for reaching Life Scout?
- What is your long term goal for Scouting?
- What do you feel the troop can do most to help the younger Scouts so they will make it to Star and beyond?
- If you could make one (1) change in the merit badge program (ie structure, format, add a badge). What would you do?
- What type of career interests you? Have you looked into earning a related merit badge?
More Life Questions
- Personal Data
- How are you doing in school? What do you like the most about it?
- Do you feel it took you a long time to get here?
- What Do You Think
- How does Scouting influence your interactions with people?
- Have you ever felt you had to defend yourself because someone knew you are in Scouts?
- Outside of Scouting, tell me about a time when you have had to be a leader. How did it make you feel afterward?
- Other than your parents, who do you think has influence your life the most? Why? Who's life do you think you have the most influence over? Why?
- Name one thing you hate doing, but you do it anyway because you know it will please someone. How do you feel afterward?
- What does "A Scout is Brave" mean to a Life Scout?
- In this fast paced time of great stress, what should "Be Prepared" mean to a Life Scout?
- How can you personally help keep up the Scout Spirit in the Troop?
- What does "Duty to God" mean to a Life Scout? How do you fulfill your duty?
- What should others be able to expect from you as a Life Scout?
- What does "On My Honor" mean to you?
- What is the most difficult part of the Scout Oath and Law for you to live up to in your daily life? How do you over come it?
- Teamwork
- How many outings have you been on in the last year? Which did you like the most and why?
- What have you done since becoming a Star Scout, in caring out additional responsibilities in the Troop? Patrol?
- Which service projects did you work on for the rank of Life? What did you do?
- What do you like most about the Patrol Method? Least?
- What role do you play in your Patrol?
- What is "Shared Leadership"? How do you see it in your Patrol and in the Troop?
- What do you think is the most important skill for a leader? Why?
- Your Progress
- What additional merit badges did you earn for Life?
- What was the most difficult merit badge for you to earn? How often did you meet with your counselor on that one?
- Which merit badge did you enjoy the most? Why?
- What was the most important thing you learned while working toward Life Scout?
- Who helps you or coaches you in preparing for merit badges?
- Which merit badges are you working on now?
- Have you found any merit badges that you think are too hard for scouts to earn? Which ones? What makes them so difficult?
- What leadership position did you hold for this rank? What was your biggest challenge? How did you handle it? What, if any, leadership position would you be most interested in holding?
- The Big Picture
- Have you thought about what you will need to do for Eagle?
- What do you think you can do to help younger Scouts?
- Which scouting skill do you like the most? Why? Least? Why?
- What do you think about the Order of the Arrow program?
- Is the Troop's Outdoor Program adequate to develop skills and maintain the interest of the Scouts? What changes would you make?
More Eagle Questions
- What unit are you registered in?
- How old are you?
- With whom do you live?
- What do you do to make your home a happy place to live?
- Who do you feel is responsible for your being before us today?
- Was the personal interview with your Scoutmaster of help to you?
- What school do you attend?
- What subjects interest you the most?
- Do you participate in any school activities!
- What do you do in your spare time outside of Scouting?
- How do you earn your spending money?
- What religious activities do you participate in?
- Do you hold any offices in religious activities?
- Are you working on the religious award of your faith?
- What does "A Scout is Reverent" mean to you?
- What do you consider is your greatest weakness?
- What are you doing to overcome this weakness?
- What do you consider your greatest strength?
- Are you able to share this strength?
- Are you able to analyze your own shortcomings?
- What do you plan for your future after your schooling and Scouting days are over?
- Suppose you had a very good friend on drugs and you just found out about it. What would you do to help him?
- If you make Eagle, you will get your picture in the paper. How will you respond to the different types of remarks and comments you will receive?
- What do you consider the purpose of the merit badge program?
- What badge interested you the most and why?
- Which badge was the hardest for you to earn and why?
- Which badges were you least interested in?
- What further responsibilities does the earning of 21 merit badges, especially the required badges, place upon you as a citizen?
- Why do you want to be an Eagle Scout?
- Why did you become a Scout?
- What do your friends say about you being a Scout?
- Not counting your troop camping trips, what is the best thing you have done as a Scout?
- What does the Scout "Good Turn" mean to you?
- Do you feel that becoming an Eagle Scout puts any obligation upon your future?
- What is an Eagle Scout's duty to his country?
- What place in society should an Eagle Scout assume after you are finished with school and are out of Scouting?
- As an adult, what position should you, as an Eagle, assume in the community?
- Have you been carrying any additional responsibilities in your troop since becoming Life Scout?
- What do you do personally to make your troop a better troop?
- What do you do to help younger Scouts along the trail?
- Have you noticed any weaknesses in any of the patrols in your troop?
- Have you any suggestions that might help those patrols?
- What do you think makes your troop operate so well?
- If you could change the merit badge program, what would you do to make it better?
- What do you do to help younger Scouts get started on the merit badges?
- Do you intend to earn any Eagle Palms?
- What do you think the purpose of the merit badge program is?
- Have any of your merit badges sparked an interest that might lead you into a career in life?
- How do you pass on the skills you have learned in the merit badge program to help the younger scouts in the troop?
- Do you feel that the personal growth agreement plan has helped you to be able to set goals, and then try to reach those goals?
- What type of books-do you like to read? Can you give the name or title of the last book you have read?
- How do you keep yourself "physically strong?" "Mentally alert?"
- Do you think that you will be able to remember the obligation of a Scout "to help others at all times" as you grow into an adult? What will help you remember this fundamental?
- Do you feel that becoming an Eagle will change you in any way?
- In the different Scouting leadership positions you have held, do you feel that you did your best at all times to make that job operate the best you could?
- Do you think your teachers will expect more of you as an Eagle?
- Did you have any difficulty planning a service project? How did you choose your project?
- What help did you have to have in order to complete your project? Who?
- Did your service project benefit any specific group? How?
- Will the benefit last a long time or was it a temporary thing?
- Do you have any suggestions for other Eagle candidates for service projects?
Aug 25, 2019 - Randy Wardwell
Sep 29, 2019 - Brian Brooks
May 13, 2020 - Alok Singh
Aug 18, 2020 - JAMES R VOGT
Thanks, Jim Vogt, SM T-15, Shenandoah Area Council
Aug 19, 2020 - Noah
I don't know if it helps, but my troop in Massachusetts, formerly Yankee Clipper Council, we allowed scouts to progress for ranks simultaneously. If they completed a Star Requirement while still working on their first class advancement they would still receive credit for Star seeing as how they DID DO the work.
Attaining the rank of Eagle Scout is already hard enough, by not allowing the scouts the credit for that advancement they completed shows them that it doesn't matter if they put in the effort if it can just be washed away like nothing in the end. Plus scouting isn't always about achieving that Eagle Scout rank. For others its the fun on the journey to get there. The main piece of advice I can give is that the senior patrol should make a comment on it. If you want to hand the scouts the power to their own futures which is a good thing, then the PLC should discuss how they classify advancement, and what they think counts as advancement.
In the end scouting is about preparing todays youth for tomorrow no matter the situation they might face then. They should have some self accountability and it will give them a lot of good experience.
Aug 19, 2020 - Scouter Paul
Sounds to me like it's time for "the old guard" to hand over the reins to others that are willing to meet their commitments in a more timely manner. Making a scout wait over 4 months for a BoR is not appropriate.
Unfortunately, a scout does not complete rank requirements until that BoR happens and is signed off. So, (regardless of what Noah's troop allowed) following the BSA advancement process, scouts can not do work towards their Star rank until they achieve their First Class rank - which did not happen until 8/6 in this case. They can do merit badges at any time, but the position of responsibility, service hours, and other requirements all specify "while a First Class scout" and that happens at the BoR.
If this sequential requirement was not in place for Star, Life, and Eagle, it would be chaotic with scouts earning all three in six months and not receiving opportunities to become responsible, participating citizens and leaders.
Scout On
Aug 24, 2022 - Jessica Gray
Aug 24, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Jessica - A board of review must consist of no fewer than three members and no more than six, all of whom must be at least 21 years of age. This is from Section of the 2021 Guide to Advancement. Also, see where it says they should all be unit committee members, but gives leeway for smaller units.
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