Spoof Merit Badges

Have you ever purchased spoof merit badges?
I've looked at them and laughed at them online but was concerned the quality would be poor and they'd just be a waste of money. But, this past month the Boy Scout Store provided me with a selection of patches and they are great. My favorite is the one pictured here for 'finger carving'. :-)
My plan is to recognize scouts after campouts this year. Whether it's because they cooked a great dutch oven meal or were attacked by ferocious mosquitos or a few other occasions, I'm hoping the patches will be a bit of fun and maybe get a few more scouts to participate more.
Boy Scout Store also has Scout Coins which I started giving to new scouts last spring. They've been a very popular token with the scouts.
Scout On
Jul 01, 2014 - Alex H.
Jul 01, 2014 - Scouter Paul
Nov 02, 2014 - BSA Since 1957
Apr 24, 2015 - Sandra C
Apr 24, 2015 - Scouter Paul
Mar 24, 2017 - Smitty
Mar 26, 2017 - Sandra C
Jun 04, 2017 - TheLegend27
Sep 16, 2017 - Sandra C
One of the things we did was go on a new scout hike. On our hike they had to find a wild rock, carefully catch it & take it back to the campsite to tame it. As we went over a bridge some of the new scouts asked if they could get some of the rocks that were in the water. I told them they couldn't unless they had a bucket that they could get some of the stream water out because after all... it was a water rock & just like a fish if you take it out of the water it will die. They laughed as did the older scouts.
They had to give it a name, make a home for it, teach it a few tricks, fed & care for it for a time, find out 3 careers in the pet rock field.
While this didn't go toward any rank advancement at all these scouts still talk about the fun they had earning the pet rock merit badge. And for those older scouts that decided they didn't want to to go this time... several of them were disappointed they didn't go so they could earn the Pet Rock merit badg for the back of their sash.
Not everything has to be about rank advancement. This was a team building exercise & a chance for the older scouts to get to know the new scouts in a fun way.
Oct 02, 2017 - David Dibble
My wife cut strips off my old long uniform pants. And the boys sew the patches on that and tuck it over the belt hanging down. It is not part of the uniform at court of honor, but all the boys wear it when it is over.
Scouting should be fun. Keep it interesting and they will remember it for a life time. There is a time for serious, and a time to play. I for one LOVE these patches, and they make for strange bragging rights among the boys.
Oct 22, 2017 - norm Pollack
Nov 01, 2017 - Anne Marie M Mandell
Nov 12, 2017 - Jay Renner
Feb 01, 2018 - ITCS MOunt
After he was done, one of the board members asked, "Did you learn anything?" He said, "Yeah, if you jam a sharp stick into the ground it gets dull."
Feb 01, 2018 - Adam B.
1. Do not discuss politics while working on this merit badge.
2. Find an appropriate creek. Size does not matter.
3. Sit in the creek with some part of your body in the water.
4. Do ONE of the following:
- Enjoy the creek for one 1 hr. session.
- Enjoy the creek while eating ice cream.
5. Discuss a past troop event or outing while sitting in the creek.
6. Smile & Laugh
7. Discuss a future troop event or outing while sitting in the creek.
8. Either at the creek or away from it, praise a scout or patrol in your troop for something they have done (in scouting or outside of scouting).
9. Sit quietly for a moment and reflect on these 3 things.
- God is in control.
- The beauty of God is all around you.
- Jesus loves you and there’s nothing you can do about it.
10. Tell about Sit in the Creek merit badge to another scout or scout leader.
Yes. This count for number 9. I've told you about it.
Feb 23, 2018 - Trae Watkins
It really pains me to see someone say/type
"Isn't the huge reason why we try and get REAL badges is because we want Eagle."
This really misses the entire point of scouting, it is about learning and growing. The ranks and badges are merely milestones in the process. There are many of us that never earned or credited with the eagle but what we took from scouting stays with us forever, some bad but mostly good.
For many the eagle award will mean very little after a few years but the memories, friendships, skills, and expirences are what you remember and that is what these spoof badges are for. I have friends that earned eagle but when you ask them about the award that means the most to them is usually something mundane. One friend of mine got an award for being at first aid station more than any other boy at summer camp one year because every thing he tried to do that summer he managed to scrape, cut or sprain something.
Jun 04, 2018 - Ed Darrell
The Mile Swim patch is to be worn on swim trunks. But I wanted to show mine off. Not cricket to put it on the merit badge sash.
BUT, the Mile Swim Patch with some elastic behind it makes a killer neckerchief slide (that doesn't come off too easily, if you do it right).
Spoof badges can be made into neckerchief slides. (You DO wear a neckerchief, don't you?)
Aug 29, 2018 - Donald Hume
Nov 05, 2018 - B. Harms
Mar 24, 2020 - Mason Carlisle
Apr 01, 2022 - Marian E McQuaid
Apr 01, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Marian - Yes, I've mentioned a few fake merit badges as past April Fool posts. Only the Socializing badge has a patch available for it: Socializing merit badge, Social Distancing merit badge, Tattoo merit badge, Walking merit badge, Hunting merit badge
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Just for Fun: Socializing merit badge

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