Tech Chip
How are electronics handled in your troop, pack, or crew? Are they banned, allowed only at certain times, or permitted? just scouts, or adults too? All electronics, including GPS, flashlights, watches? A specific list of devices that are illegal?
I noticed quite a bit of online discussion about electronic devices on scout outings over the past year. Some adults just ban them altogether. Others let the scouts decide. Others ban them from scouts, but not adults.
In our troop, each newly-elected Sr. Patrol Leader determines how electronics should be handled. Long ago, none were allowed on campouts because they were just radios and music. As cellphones became more common, scouts snuck them along. This caused friction between the scouts. More recent SPLs have allowed electronics, but only in the cars, or only at specific times, or only for certain uses such as clock or emergency light - which has been difficult to manage.
Most recently, we've reached the consensus that electronics are too integrated into our daily lives to toss them away for a weekend. Setting expectations on how technology should be courteously and safely used in scouting has been our direction. Over the past couple months, we've created a short training program called Tech Chip, in the spirit of Whittlin' Chip, Totin' Chip, and Firem'n Chit. It is about 20 minutes of skits and discussion to ensure everyone understands the expected use of electronics at our scout events. At the conclusion of the training, each participant receives a wallet card.
At this past weekend's campout, I presented the training to the SPL, ASPL, and a PL. They then presented it to 15 other scouts. Everyone that I asked was excited about getting to take their devices now and they all could recite the expectations to me. Some of them were just excited to have a cool wallet card even though they didn't own cellphones. :-)
See more about the Tech Chip, training outline, and wallet cards you can purchase for your Troop, Pack, or Crew at the Tech Chip Award page.
If you have suggestions for improvement, please email them to me.
Scout On
I noticed quite a bit of online discussion about electronic devices on scout outings over the past year. Some adults just ban them altogether. Others let the scouts decide. Others ban them from scouts, but not adults.
In our troop, each newly-elected Sr. Patrol Leader determines how electronics should be handled. Long ago, none were allowed on campouts because they were just radios and music. As cellphones became more common, scouts snuck them along. This caused friction between the scouts. More recent SPLs have allowed electronics, but only in the cars, or only at specific times, or only for certain uses such as clock or emergency light - which has been difficult to manage.
Most recently, we've reached the consensus that electronics are too integrated into our daily lives to toss them away for a weekend. Setting expectations on how technology should be courteously and safely used in scouting has been our direction. Over the past couple months, we've created a short training program called Tech Chip, in the spirit of Whittlin' Chip, Totin' Chip, and Firem'n Chit. It is about 20 minutes of skits and discussion to ensure everyone understands the expected use of electronics at our scout events. At the conclusion of the training, each participant receives a wallet card.
At this past weekend's campout, I presented the training to the SPL, ASPL, and a PL. They then presented it to 15 other scouts. Everyone that I asked was excited about getting to take their devices now and they all could recite the expectations to me. Some of them were just excited to have a cool wallet card even though they didn't own cellphones. :-)
See more about the Tech Chip, training outline, and wallet cards you can purchase for your Troop, Pack, or Crew at the Tech Chip Award page.
If you have suggestions for improvement, please email them to me.
Scout On
Posted: 14:11 01-27-2010 478
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