Pocket Card Forms

Here are two Word Doc files that might be useful to Cubmaster Ramon and anyone else tasked with filling out recognition item paperwork for a large Pack.
When a scout completes one of the new Cub Scout Adventures, he receives a belt loop or pin for recognition along with a pocket card documenting the adventure he completed and date. Writing in the information for dozens of scouts can be quite time consuming, so I created a Word doc that is formatted so it prints the content in the appropriate positions to fill out a sheet of 8 Adventure Pocket Cards.
DOWNLOAD the Adventure Pocket Cards document.
The new Pocket Cards stock are HERE

Each rank also has a pocket card for documentation. Purchasing adventure pocket cards and rank pocket cards by the sheet is less expensive than individual cards. Even if you have only a few scouts advancing at a time, printing in all the Pack specific info will make the cards look better and save you time. You can just leave the date and scout name blank if you don't know who it's for yet.
DOWNLOAD the Rank Pocket Cards document.
The new Bobcat Rank Cards stock are HERE and all other ranks are available, too.
Posted: 10:21 09-23-2015 1209
Sep 26, 2015 - Ray Gotsch
Thank you, I have been looking for something like this for weeks
now. I don't know if you are familiar with Scoutbook, but if so
could I recommend that you share this on there. I know there are
many others that are looking for this as well.
Oct 01, 2015 - Christy Brown Anderson
This is a fantastic resource. As a Unit Commissioner for a
Cub Scout Pack, I'm going to share this with them. Thank you
for providing such a wealth of information on your site.
Feb 22, 2018 - Alan Netzel
Thank you for this! You know, I searched all over (or so I
thought) for one of these templates in September, but I could
not find one and attempted my own, which was close, but not
quite right. It's rank up time for us now, and since I'd have
to try to make one for rank cards, I decided to look again.
This made my day.
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