Top of the World

Sweeping views all around, including Rib Mountain way down by Wausau. It's all gresn now, but in a few weeks it will be a kaleidoscope of color.
Hike On
Posted: 10:03 09-14-2013 1044
Sep 16, 2013 - qwerty
I don't want to be a downer or anything, but this website has really gone downhill. I used to come here everyday right when i got home from school, but now i come around once maybe two times a week. This site used to have very deep views about scouting in troops, national events in scouting, and helpful tips on running a troop, but now it has turned into a look at me blog. If thats what you want to do get a blog and put a link to that blog on this site or, change the name of the blog you are keeping on here, because this is no longer scoutmaster musings. I realize you have pretty much left scouting, but seriously.
Sep 17, 2013 - Yukon Jack
Hey querty, if you look at the left edge of the website, the "Scoutmaster Musings" is listed as "My Blog." Also, if you haven't noticed, dozens of scouters have contributed to awards changes, advice, techniques, lesson plans, etc in recent months. I fail to see your problem with how this fantastic site is being run.
Sep 18, 2013 - Scouter Paul
@qwerty - You're right. This is My Blog and right now I am hiking across Wisconsin on the 1,100-mile Ice Age Trail. I've not left Scouting and am actually a committee chair for a new troop. I am also promoting the ScoutStrong program while hiking.
When I get home from this long hike (in 12 days), my blog posts will return to more program-oriented topics and you are certainly welcome to read and comment on them.
Scout On!
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