Bear Grin and Bear It Adventure
Adventure Goal: Learn to include everyone and enjoy helping others have fun as much as having fun yourself.
Adventure Requirements:
- Play a challenge game or initiative game with the members of your den. Take part in a reflection after the game.
- Working with the members of your den, organize a Cub Scout carnival and lead it at a special event.
- Help younger Cub Scouts take part in one of the events at the Cub Scout carnival.
- After the Cub Scout carnival, discuss with the members of your den and your den leader what went well, what could be done better, and how everyone worked together to make the event a success.
- Make and present an award to one of the adults who helped you organize the activities at the Cub Scout carnival.
Ideas for Adventure Requirements:
- Read more information about Activity Reflections.
- Start planning this with other Pack leaders months before it will be held. This should be part of the annual program planning.
- The Bears will be leading Tigers and Wolfs to participate in the activities the Bears host.
- This is reflecting on a larger scale, rather than right after a specific game or activity. IT is best done immediately after the event.
- Trophy parts and kits can be found here.
Den Meeting Ideas for Grin and Bear It Adventure:
- Play Count to 10.
- Play All Aboard.
- Play Bizz Buzz.
- Play Can Stack.
- Play Mule Relay.
- Do Spider Web as a reflection activity.
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