Game Over

In an official statement released today, the BSA and LDS announce a dissolution of their relationship. LDS will "discontinue its role as a chartered partner with BSA" effective at the end of 2019. A layperson's interpretation of that is "Game Over" between LDS and BSA.
On top of the other major changes to the BSA this year, this is yet another disruptor for us all to prepare for. In my small part of the world, it will have no impact at the unit level, little at the district level, but some at the council level. After all, of the religious in Minnesota, they are about 35% Lutheran and .35% LDS.
Other councils will certainly find significant membership drops.
At the national level, I expect there to be a major drop in membership and philanthropic income which will trickle down through the councils. Maybe opening the membership requirements will help counter the effects. Maybe there are other plans being made at the top. The next year will be interesting to discover how it plays out.
How do you expect this split to affect Scouting where you live? What steps are you taking to prepare for it?
Read the announcement HERE.
Scout On!
Posted: 21:22 05-08-2018 1341
May 09, 2018 - Bjorn
I have spent 8 years as Den Leader, Cub Committee Chair, Cubmaster, Varsity Coach, and now as Scoutmaster in an LDS unit. I plan on doing my job until the last minute, but I feel sorry for the boys who will not get a chance to finish the path they are on. Some will move to other units, but many will simply stop. My district is made up of 74 units, all LDS. I guess my position with the District will end too...
May 09, 2018 - Jerry Schleining
Bjorn,... and other LDS Leaders and Scouts...
No.. you time in Scouting does not have to end. There are plenty of Traditional units that you can join/ transfer in to. If you are enjoying your Scouting experience, then stay with it.
No.. you time in Scouting does not have to end. There are plenty of Traditional units that you can join/ transfer in to. If you are enjoying your Scouting experience, then stay with it.
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