Webelos Activity Badges
You can use these images to track completion of Webelos Activity Badges in many different ways. Click on an image to view a full-size picture that you can print and use in your den.
Method #1 - Start each Webelos scout with a copy of Image #1. Cut up Image #2. As he earns each activity badge, he covers up that part of his sheet until he has covered all the badges and has a complete Webelos badge.
Method #2 - Start each Webelos scout with a copy of Image #3. Cut up Image #4. As he earns each activity badge, he covers up that part of his sheet until he has covered all 5 groupings with his earned badges and has a complete Webelos badge.
Method #3 - Print image #4 and glue it to cardboard. The Webelos scout can pin his activity badge onto each picture as he earns it. He can keep his pins displayed this way instead of on his Webelos colors.
Method #4 - Tell me how you make use of these and I'll add it for others to see.
Comments: Oct 03, 2013 - Jeff Lembke
I like these! I'm going to use image 1 posted on cardboard and instead of image 2, I'll use image 4 which has the pictures of the pins on it. He'll really like that!
Jun 06, 2014 - Jenny Bratcher
This is a wonderful idea. I am going to use #5 and #4. I am going to Put #5 on a round cut piece of wood and then as they finish them they will get pieces of #4. I however am putting the names of each section also on #4 the kids wants to know which pins are physical, mental, ect.. after they have completed all of them so I have added that to #4. Thank you for the idea the kids love it.
Jan 23, 2015 - Kim Tucker
I just found these wonderful images and am in planning stages of how to use them. So far, I've printed image 3 on regular paper that I will likely laminate, then printed image 6 on TRANSPARENCY FILM! and they look so great together! I wanted something that could be used and reused by different scouts each year, or used in place of pins and kept by each scout. Thanks for sharing the images!
Aug 13, 2020 - Heather Phillips
These are nice, but need to be updated to the
newer system.
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