Wolf Duty To God Footsteps Adventure
Adventure Goal: Help Wolfs explore family beliefs and develop awareness of duty to God.
Adventure Requirements:
Complete Requirement 1 or 2 plus at least two others.
- Discuss with your parent, guardian, den leader, or other caring adult what it means to do your duty to God. Tell how you do your duty to God in your daily life.
- Earn the religious emblem of your faith that is appropriate for your age, if you have not already done so.
- Offer a prayer, meditation, or reflection with your family, den, or pack.
- Read a story about people or groups of people who came to America to enjoy religious freedom.
- Learn and sing a song that could be sung in reverence before or after meals or one that gives encouragement, reminds you how to show reverence, or demonstrates your duty to God.
- Visit a religious monument or site where people might show reverence. Create a visual display of your visit with your den or your family, and show how it made you feel reverent or helped you better understand your duty to God.
Ideas for Adventure Requirements:
- Have scouts complete requirements at home. Define time in a den meeting for scouts to share what they did for requirements #1 and #2.
Den Meeting Ideas for Duty To God Footsteps Adventure:
- Find sacred sites.
- Choose from many Graces to sing.
- Unbiased religious information is impossible to find, but some information about immigrants looking for religious freedom can be found here.
- Introduce scouts to the Religious Emblem award
Sep 25, 2017 - Antoinette McKinney
It would be helpful to include links to sites that describe
religious emblems programs. P.R.A.Y .org is for protestant and
similar groups. The national site for catholics is www.nccs-
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