Food Song
The Tune: The Gang's All Here (just the chorus which comes about 35 seconds into the music)
Soup, soup, we all want soup,
Tip your bowl and drain it,
Let your whiskers strain it,
Hark, hark, that funny noise,
Listening to the gurgling, boys.
Meat, meat, we must have meat,
Fresh and juicy cow meat,
Ham and pickled pigs feet,
Veal, lamb and pork chops too,
Any kind of meat will do.
Fish, fish, we all want fish,
Fish that isn't bony,
Nor a little phony.
Fresh fish, we won't eat stale,
Any kind of fish but whale.
Pie, pie, we all want pie,
Apple, peach and cherry,
Cheese and huckleberry,
Mince pie is very fine.
That's the way that we boys dine!
Tip your bowl and drain it,
Let your whiskers strain it,
Hark, hark, that funny noise,
Listening to the gurgling, boys.
Meat, meat, we must have meat,
Fresh and juicy cow meat,
Ham and pickled pigs feet,
Veal, lamb and pork chops too,
Any kind of meat will do.
Fish, fish, we all want fish,
Fish that isn't bony,
Nor a little phony.
Fresh fish, we won't eat stale,
Any kind of fish but whale.
Pie, pie, we all want pie,
Apple, peach and cherry,
Cheese and huckleberry,
Mince pie is very fine.
That's the way that we boys dine!
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