Scouts Helping Scouts

"There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up." - John Holmes
Hurricane Sandy, and the storm that followed, brought severe damage to people, places, and things across the Northeast Region. In an effort to help, the Leadership Team of the Northeast Region OA has set a goal to raise at least $20,000 that will be awarded to OA Lodges in the Northeast to help complete projects at their council camps to clean up and rebuild after the storm.
The NE Region OA Leadership Team would like folks (that's you) to purchase this patch for $10. 100% of the funds raised goes directly towards helping council camps since the OA paid for production of the patches.
Just fill out this form and send it with a check for a patch, or a dozen patches.
I'm not saying they'd make good Christmas gifts, but presenting them to the newest OA members in your troop at a troop meeting while explaining what they mean might be a pretty good object lesson showing what being in the OA is all about. Hey, it might make a good Scoutmaster Minute.
I've sawed trees and fixed up local council camps quite a few times as an OA member. This is a way to virtually do a little arduous labor to help Scouts far away.
Scout On
Posted: 22:52 11-15-2012 931
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