Cub Scout Resources for a Great Program
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Since 1930, the Boy Scouts of America has helped youth of cub scouts age. Parents, leaders, and organizations work together to achieve the 10 purposes of Cub Scouting:
- Character Development
- Spiritual Growth
- Good Citizenship
- Sportsmanship & Fitness
- Family Understanding
- Respectful Relationships
- Personal Achievement
- Friendly Service
- Fun & Adventure
- Preparation for Scouts BSA
The Cub Scouts of America colors are blue and gold. They have special meaning, which will help boys and girls see beyond the fun of Cub Scouting to its ultimate goals. The blue stands for truth and spirituality, steadfast loyalty, and the sky above. The gold stands for warm sunlight, good cheer and happiness.
As a boy or girl begins the Boy Scout Trail, they join other boys or girls the same age. A youth can start the scouting program from 5 (starting kindergarten) to 17 years old.
The Bobcat rank is the first rank earned by Cub Scouts, no matter which grade they begin scouting, except for kindergarten Lion Scouts. After earning the Bobcat rank, the youth then begins earning an age-base rank. The Cub Scout age program is for kindergarten through 3rd graders - Lion scouts, Tiger scouts, Wolf scouts, and Bear scouts. After completing Bear scout requirements, scouts begin their Webelos program, and finish Cub Scouting with the Arrow of Light.
How to Join:
- Go to BeAScout.org
- Click the 'Cub Scouts' tab.
- Enter your zipcode and click the arrow button.
- Click on a Pack near you to see its contact info so you can call the Pack or your local Council about joining.
- Complete a BSA Youth Application and Health Record and give them to the Cubmaster of the Pack you choose.
The Cub Scout program has an Organizational Structure that puts boys or girls into groups called dens with recommended size of from 6 to 8 scouts. Dens of youth in a community form a pack which is part of a district. Districts combine to make a council - see this page for organization details.
More Cub Scout Information to Use:
Cub Scouts - information about the cub scout program
Lion Info - kindergarten
Bobcat Info - any grade
Tiger Info - 1st grade
Wolf Info - 2nd grade
Bear Info - 3rd grade
Webelos - 4th and 5th grade
To help make your Cub Scouts of America program the best it can be, use these pages to find good stuff:
Activities - find age-appropriate, advancement-supporting activites for Cub Scouts
Games - den or pack games just right for 1st through 3rd graders
Projects - fun projects for cub scouts to use to do a good turn
Recipes - easy recipes
Cub Scout Skits - skits that Cub Scouts love
Songs - songs to liven up a cub scout den or pack meeting
Stories - choose stories that cub scouts will enjoy and understand
Awards - see what awards are available to all cub scouts
Pinewood Derby - advice for the big race
Scouting 2025 - Ask a Question - Add Content
Just for Fun: Socializing merit badge

Find more Scouting Resources at www.BoyScoutTrail.com
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