Philmont Grace
This Grace is meant for Scouts BSA.
For food, for raiment
For life, for opportunity
For friendship and fellowship
We thank thee, O Lord
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Nov 06, 2014 - Steve Shelton
As an Eagle scout and a son who is an Eagle scout I remain in full support and respect for scouting. There is no better opportunity for boys to attain good male skills and attitudes. As a scout leader for 25 years I say keep up the good work and have plenty of outdoor fun.
Feb 17, 2015 - Kamron Tidwell
I heard this when my troop (Troop 140 of SPC Lubbock Tx) said it at one of our meetings and I thought it's pretty cool.
Feb 18, 2015 - Ryan McGowan
It sums up everything in a short amount of time good for any age of scout, and for any event.
Apr 26, 2015 - John Titsworth
I went to Philmont during the 60's and seem to remember a prayer that we said and I have not been able to find a copy of it. The prayer was just 8 words...each word starting with the letters in succesion in the word Philmont.
Can anybody help?
May 20, 2015 - Bob Upton
As the father of a eagle scout and scout leader for over 20
years I know of no other program that does a better job of
helping boys become good men.
Nov 06, 2015 - Richard Donaway
I was made Eagle Scout in 1962, a day that still is vivid in my memory. Through out life, I have
tried to live up to those high standards. I can say I am an Eagle as I say I took the oath when I
join the Army. I am always an Eagle.
Nov 11, 2015 - Deborah (Haberkost) Mulholand
As a youngster I remember my whole family going to Philmont for
roughly 6 years straight! My parents both taught at the training
center and we stayed at least one time in the Villa. My brothers
were always enjoying the hiking while us girls were always busy
with the family events. I will always remember the great times we
had! It was a major part of our family vacations every summer. It is
a wonderful place for all ages. I remember my father teaching
along with Bud Bennett and I can't remember all the other men.
My Mother was busy teaching the Den Mothers! I strongly
encourage everyone to go! To this day our whole family uses the
Philmont Grace at all of our family dinners.
Jun 19, 2018 - Jerry Travers
Memories of 6 years at Philmont in the back country on treks. We
just said this blessing over dinner on the Outer Banks in NC.
Jul 30, 2018 - Patty Tillerson
My husband, a life-time Scout, always said the Philmont
Grace when we had folks over for dinner---they soooo
appreciated it----he passed away in Feb. and our neighbors
have commented that they will always remember him saying the
Philmont Grace before our meals/get-togethers. It is so
appropriate, not too long, just "hits" the right "keys".
Hugs to all
Nov 18, 2020 - Bill (William) Marshall
Yeah... Eagle Scouts (and Vigil members of OA) are like Marines... once
achieving/honored, it is a part of you, and there is no such thing as a
'former' or 'past'...
Nov 25, 2021 - Chuck Krueger
Still remember this after all these years. Got my Eagle in 1967 to date
myself. We said this before every meal at the dining hall in Camp Sam
Wood and I lead it at every meal for the summer I was the dining hall
steward. Lots of great memories from Scouting. I think they have lost
their way a little over the last few years, but it is still a great
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