Akela's Arrows Advancement | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Preparation: | Two leaders - Akela and Baloo - probably Cubmaster and Advancement Chair. |
Notes: | This ceremony is good for a pack meeting where you are trying to catch any advancements that were not completed with the rest of each den or were not available to be recognized. It recognizes one or more scouts at Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light ranks. |
Script: | Baloo: Long ago, Akela had to pass a test to prove himself worthy of becoming a leader in the tribe. All the youth of the tribe were given five arrows each. These were special arrows, once they had been used they would shatter. Each of the youth were sent out on their own and they promised to only eat food they had caught themselves. When they ran out of arrows and food, they could return home. Akela: I walked all morning and stopped beside a stream. I saw a fish swimming by, so I shot it with my yellow arrow and cooked it. It provide me with food for the rest of the day. Baloo: This showed that Akela knew about finding things in nature. The rank of Lion indicates the Cub Scout has begun the first steps along the scouting trail. I would like the following scouts that have earned their Lion Badge to come up and join us by the campfire. Your parents will join you later. (announce names and wait until they have all arrived) Akela: I walked far from camp and stopped at the side of a clearing. I waited all night for a lion to come by. I took careful aim and shot it with my orange arrow. It provide me with food for many days. It's hide provided me with clothing. Baloo: This showed that Akela knew how to keep his body safe and nourished. It also showed the virtue of patience. The rank of Tiger indicates the Cub Scout has learned more basic scouting skills. I would like the following scouts that have earned their Tiger Badge to come up and join us by the campfire. Your parents will join you later. (announce names and wait until they have all arrived) Akela: I walked along the trail near the river. There, I came upon a friend laying in the trail. He had used up all his arrows and was starving. I saw a tiger in a nearby tree. I wanted to save my arrows since I was not yet hungry, but my friend was starving. So, I shot the tiger with my red arrow and cooked it for my friend. Baloo: This act of caring showed Akela had learned the value of friendship and that he was unselfish. The Wolf badge indicates the Cub Scout has learned new things traveling the trail of Scouting. These new Wolf scouts should be come up to the campfire. (read names and wait for them) Akela: As I followed the trail farther along, I came face to face with a huge wolf. It growled and started running toward me. I strung my bow, took careful aim and, when he was near, I shot and killed him with my blue arrow. He provided me with food for many more days. His warm coat provided me with shelter from the cold nights. Baloo: Staying calm and having steady aim showed that Akela is brave. This is also why the Pack honors the Cub Scouts at the next level of accomplishment with the Bear badge. I would like these new Bears to join us now. (read names) Akela: The meat from the wolf lasted for many days, but soon I had to continue on in search of more food. I came upon a bear that had just killed a deer. The bear saw me and ran off. I was hungry, but I had promised to only eat food I had killed, so I continued on. Baloo: By remembering his promise and being honest, Akela demonstrated that he is trustworthy. To earn the Webelos badge, the Cub Scout must follow the Scout Law which includes being Trustworthy. These Webelos should join us now. (read names) Akela: I was now many days from camp. I needed food to give me the strength to make it home or I would die. So, I tracked the bear I had seen before. I took my last arrow, the green one, took careful aim, shot, and missed. I was scared because I had no food or arrows. As I turned and started back to camp, I prayed to the great spirit for strength and guidance. Suddenly, I saw the arrow; it was still whole. I followed the bear's trail again. I took aim and shot him. I now had enough food to return home. Baloo: Akela learned that sometimes even the strongest, bravest, most skilled scouts need to ask for help. To earn the Arrow of Light badge, the scout must work with other scouts and help each other. These Arrow of Light scouts should join us now. (read names) We all need help sometimes, even these cub scouts that have just advanced. Their parents provide that help. So, will the parents please come up and stand behind their scouts. (wait for all to arrive) Baloo: Pack, please stand. Join me in congratulating these fine scouts! (Applause) |
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Akelas Life | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Required: | one lit candle six other candles |
Preparation: | Dim lights and light the one candle. Akela is at the back of the room. |
Notes: | If no scouts are at a specific rank, light the candle, but say there are none at that point on the trail. |
Script: | (Akela walks to the front of the room) Narrator: Akela was the chief of the Webelos tribe; tall, stalwart, straight as an arrow, swift as an antelope, brave as a lion - he was fierce to an enemy but kind to a brother. Many trophies hung in his teepee. His father was the son of the great yellow sun in the sky. He was called the "Arrow Of Light". His mother, from whom he learned those wondrous things that mothers know, was called "Kind Eyes". When he was very young, he played in the safety of the village. His first animal friends were the Lion Cubs that visited the tribe. (Akela lights the Lion candle) Akela: From the signs along the Lion trail, I see the following scouts are ready for advancement in the Lion Clan of Akela's tribe. (Akela calls the names of the scouts receiving Lion adventures and rank badges. They come forward and stand before the campfire. Akela presents awards.) Narrator: As he grew, he began to understand the signs and calls of the Webelos tribe. Playing close to the village, he learned to tumble and have fun from Tiger Cubs that lived there. (Akela lights the Tiger candle) Akela: With this candle, representing the "Spirit of Akela" we light the trail of the Tiger. From the signs along the Tiger trail, I see the following scouts are ready for advancement in the Tiger Clan of Akela's tribe. (Akela calls the names of the scouts receiving Tiger adventures and rank badges. They come forward and stand before the campfire. Akela presents awards.) Narrator: Then Akela was taken on little trips to the forest among the great trees and streams. Here, from the Wolf, he learned the language of the ground; the tracks and the ways to food. (Akela lights the Wolf candle) Akela: From the signs along the Wolf trail, I see these scouts are ready for advancement in the Wolf Clan of Akela's tribe. (Akela calls the scouts receiving Wolf rank badges and adventure loops. They come forward and stand before the campfire. Akela presents awards.) Narrator: Then from the big, kindly bears, he learned the secret names of the trees, the calls of the birds, the language of the air. (Akela lights the Bear candle) Akela: From the signs along the Bear trail I see the following braves are ready for advancement in the Bear Clan of Akela's tribe. (Akela calls scouts receiving Bear rank badges and adventure loops) Narrator: But before he could become a Scouting Brave on his own, he had to prove himself by trying out new skills, performing certain tasks and passing tests of accomplishment. (Akela lights the Webelos candle) Akela: From the signs along the Webelos trail, I see that the following braves have shown their skills in many different ways. (He calls scouts receiving adventure pins.) (If any Webelos are earning their rank badge) Akela: By demonstrating skills and character, these scouts have earned their Webelos rank. (Call names of scouts and present Webelos rank.) Narrator: After a time, Akela was allowed to go on outings with the braves of his tribe. He saw how strong they were and how they worked together to hunt game and survive in the wilds. He decided that was the life for him and pushed himself harder to pass the highest test of all. (Akela lights the Arrow of Light candle) Akela: From the signs further down the Webelos trail, I see that the following scouts have proven themselves worthy to wear the "Arrow of Light", the highest award in Akela's tribe. (He calls forward the scouts who have earned the Arrow of Light Award.) Akela: From the four winds, Akela hears that you scouts are doing well along the trails that will lead you through Scouting and the highest trail of all, that of Eagle. Now will all Cub Scouts stand and repeat with me the Scout Promise. |
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American Symbols | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Required: | A slideshow may be used: statue of libery, american flag, declaration of independence, liberty bell, log cabin, Uncle Sam, eagle |
Notes: | This ceremony can be used for all cub scout rank adventures. You could also pass out rank completions at the same time. |
Script: | As Americans, we are fortunate to have many historic symbols that represent freedom. Tonight I would like to tell you a little about some of these symbols as we honor scouts advancing along the Cub Scout Trail. The Statue of Liberty towers 305 feet above Liberty Island in New York Harbor, welcoming people of other lands to become citizens of our country. The statue was given to the United States by France as a token of friendship. Each year, about 2 million people visit Miss Liberty. The inscription at the base of the statue was written by Emma Lazarus, and reads in part: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door. There is a golden door to Scouting that is open to all youth. By walking through that door, a child has an opportunity to grow in many ways and learn about citizenship, character, and physical fitness. The youth gathered here have passed through that door and are on their way. Our American flag is much more than the red, white, and blue cloth of which it is made. It is the symbol of America. It stands for the past, the present, and the future of our country. When we show respect for the flag, we are showing respect for all that is America, our land, our people, our way of life. When the 13 original colonies set out to become a free country 250 years ago, their men and women needed a rallying point, a flag. "We will take the stars and blue union from heaven", George Washington is reported to have said, "red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes to emphasize our new independence. The white stripes shall represent liberty." Beginning to understand citizenship is one of the requirements for the Lion rank. Tonight we have some scouts who have completed Lion adventures. I would like the following scouts and a parent to please come forward. [list names, distribute patches, return to seats.) The Declaration of Independence is the document that called for a free America. It was on July 4, 1776, that the Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and announced the separation of the 13 colonies from England. In America, we have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people - not just for some of them, but for all people - the people to whom the Declaration of Independence refers when it says, "all men are created equal" not equally talented or equally rich, but equal under the law and under God. All Scouts have an equal opportunity to advance in rank and earn badges. The following scouts have completed adventures as Tiger Scouts. (list names, distribute adventure loops, return to seats.) One of the most beloved of our freedom symbols is the Liberty Bell. The Liberty Bell was rung in 1776 to announce the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. During the British occupation of Philadelphia, the bell was hidden beneath the floor of the Zion Reformed Church in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Sixty years later, as the bell was rung during the funeral of Chief Justice John Marshall, it cracked. Since that time, it has been on display in or close to Independence Hall, Philadelphia, for all Americans to see. The bell is old, but the crack is plain to see, along with this inscription: "Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land. .." The following scouts will receive Wolf adventure loops tonight. (list names, distribute patches, return to seats.) The log cabin is a freedom symbol, not only because it represents the many colonists who helped settle this country, but because it is associated with one of the most famous Americans of all time, Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln had less than 1 year of formal schooling. He taught himself by reading borrowed books. Many people do not know that Lincoln was a powerful wrestler, runner, and weight lifter. This tall, lanky man worked as a store clerk, a postmaster, a surveyor, and lawyer. Lincoln believed in freedom. His famous Gettysburg Address began: "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." We would like to honor now the scouts who have earned adventures as Bear Scouts. (list names, distribute loops, return to seats.) Uncle Sam originated as a cartoon character many years ago and has become one of the best-known symbols of the United States. Imagine how many thousands of children have portrayed the part of Uncle Sam in school plays. Think of how many millions of young adults have answered Uncle Sam's recruiting call, "I want you" and have helped defend the freedom of America in time of war. The following scouts have earned Webelos adventure pins. (list names, distribute pins, return to seats.) Another symbol of American freedom is the eagle, with wings outspread in protection of our birthright of freedom. The eagle has been the national bird since George Washington took the oath of office for the presidency in 1789. Many years ago, Indians climbed high mountains to reach the peaks where coveted eagle feathers could be found. Indians used these eagle feathers as badges of rank. Today Scouts work hard and long to reach the highest rank of Scouting, the Eagle. It is never easy to reach those high peaks. It takes time, and effort, and sacrifice. But when you finally reach the top, you'll find it was worth the effort. The following scouts have nearly reached the top in Cub Scouting by completing Arrow of Light adventures. (list names, distribute pins, return to seats.) We are proud of all our freedom symbols, and we are very proud of all the scouts who received awards tonight. They are on their way to becoming worthwhile citizens of tomorrow. As President John F. Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." Do you scouts ever wonder what you can do for your country? Well, if you do, I'll tell you where to start. Whatever game you choose to play ... play fair! Whatever you hope to be... be true! Whatever road you choose to take... take care! Be proud you're an American ... and that's a great way to start doing something for your country. |
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Basic Flag Closing | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Script: | (leader assembles color guard in back of room or offstage so they are ready. You may only have flag bearers, 2 or 3 scouts following, 2 in front and 2 behind, or any crisp formation depending on number of scouts in color guard.) Leader: "Color Guard, Attention! " Leader: "Audience, Please Rise! " Leader: "Color Guard, Forward March! " (wait for color guard to reach the front) Leader: "Color Guard, Halt! " Leader: "Scout Salute! Please put your right hand over your heart if you are not in uniform." Leader: "Color Guard, Retrieve the Colors! " (wait for flag bearers to pick up their flags) Leader: "Color Guard, Return to Ranks! " (Scouts not carrying flags turn around so they are facing the audience. Wait for flag bearers to return to formation) (US Flag is on the far right facing the audience, then state flag, then troop flag on far left.) Leader: "Color Guard, Forward March! " (wait until color guard reaches back of room) Leader: "Color Guard, Halt! " Leader: "TWO! " (everyone drops salute.) Leader: "Audience, Thank you for joining us. " Leader: "Color Guard, Dismissed! " (flag bearers should immediately put the flags away before starting to play with the other scouts. ) |
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Basic Flag Opening | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Script: | Have the color guard in the back of the room, ready holding the flags. The US Flag is on the right, then State flag, then Troop flag on the left as the color guard is facing towards the front of the room - or, US Flag in front, followed by State, then Troop flag. Leader: "Color Guard, Attention!" Leader: "Audience, Please Rise!" Leader: "Scout Salute! Those not in uniform, please place your right hand over your heart." Leader: "Color Guard, Forward March!" Wait for color guard to reach the front. Leader: "Color Guard, Halt!" Leader: "Color Guard, Cross the Colors!" State and Troop flags stop. US Flag crosses in front of other flags to left-most flag stand (as viewed from the audience), then State flag advances, then Troop flag. Wait for flag bearers to move to the flag pole stands. Leader: "Please recite the Pledge of Allegiance!" Leader: "TWO!" Everyone drops salute. Leader: "Scout Sign!" Everyone raises right hand making the Scout sign. Leader: "Please join us in reciting the [Scout Law, Scout Oath, Outdoor Code, ...]!" This is where the ceremony can be customized by the scout in charge. Choose what to recite. Could sing a song such as 'America the Beautiful'... Leader: "TWO!" Everyone drops Scout sign. Leader: "Color Guard, Post the Flag of the United States of America! " Leader: "Color Guard, Post the Flag of the Great State of [your state name]! " Leader: "Color Guard, Post the Flag of [Pack/Troop] 123! " Leader: "Color Guard, Honor your Colors!" Flag bearers salute the US flag. Leader: "Color Guard, return to ranks!" Wait for flag bearers return to formation. Leader: "Audience, Please be seated!" |
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Bobcat - Cub Scout Promise | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Required: | Four older scouts (preferably Webelos) Four cards showing the parts of the Promise that each Scout will read |
Script: | Cubmaster: I would like these new Bobcats to please come forward with their parents - [read names] You recently joined the Cub Scouts and our Pack, searching for fun and adventure. Along the way, you will also learn the ways of the Cub Scouts. I understand you have all learned the Scout Law, the Cub Scout Motto, and more. Perhaps most importantly you have learned the Scout Promise. Scout #1: On my honor I will do my best - Saying 'On my honor' is like saying 'I promise.' It means that you will do your best to do what the Scout Oath says A Scout is trustworthy and follows through. Scout #2: To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law - A duty is something you are expected to do. You do your duty to God by following the teachings of your family and religious leaders. You do your duty to your country by being a good citizen and obeying the law. Scout #3: To help other people at all times - Many people need help. A friendly smile and a helping hand make life easier for others. By helping other people, you are making our world a better place. Scout #4: To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight - You stay physically strong when you eat the right foods and get exercise. You stay mentally awake when you work hard in school, learn all you can, and ask questions. You stay morally straight when you do the right thing and live your life with honesty. Cubmaster: Do you all agree to follow this Promise? If so, answer "I do". Scouts: "I do." Cubmaster: I congratulate you on earning your Bobcat awards. Parents, you may pin your child's Bobcat patch on the left shirt pocket. Congratulations on the first rank on the Cub Scout trail! May you earn many more! (Give Cub Scout handshake.) |
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Bobcat Badge | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Required: | campfire prop - optional badges and pins or tape for affixing to uniform |
Script: | Akela: The spirit of Cub Scouting burns here as it does in the hearts of Cub Scouts everywhere. The Cub Scout spirit is like a campfire. We must add wood to the fire or it will go out. In the same manner, we must add new scouts to our pack, or the Cub Scout spirit will go out. Baloo: We have (number) scouts who have earned the right to join our Pack. Akela: Are they ready to join in the Cub Scout spirit? Baloo: Yes, and they have learned the ways of our tribe. They have learned the Scout Promise, the Scout Law, and the Cub Scout Motto and their meanings. They have also learned the meaning and proper use of the Cub Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake. These are the scouts ready to join our Pack. When I call your name, come forward with your parents ... (Baloo calls the scouts who are to receive the Bobcat badge.) (Both Akela and Baloo hand the badge to parents and congratulate the Cubs with the Cub Scout handshake) Akela: Parents, present the Bobcat badge to your child. The parent pin reminds you that Scouting is a family program. Akela: Will the new Bobcats join Baloo and me in saying the Scout Promise? All: On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. |
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Bobcat Howl | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Script: | Parents of new Bobcats are called to the front while their children are sent outside with their Den Leader or an Assistant Cubmaster. When ready, the scouts give the howl of the Bobcat - Hear It Here Akela: I hear a calling from the wilderness outside our Pack. It sounds like a Bobcat! Shall we answer with the call of the Wolf? (Pack howls like wolves - Hear It Here. This is the cue to bring in the Bobcats.) Akela: Who comes here? Den Leader: Scouts, hunting for the fun and adventure of Cub Scouting. Akela: But, whom do you seek? Den Leader: We seek Akela, the great Spirit of the Cub Scout. Akela: Are these children wise in the ways of the Bobcat? Den Leader: They are, Akela. Akela: Show me. Den Leader: Show Akela what you have already learned. Raise your arm in the Cub Scout Sign and say the Scout Promise. (They do.) Den Leader: Say the Scout Law. (They do.) Akela: I can now call you Cub Scouts because you have completed the requirements necessary for your participation in this great Brotherhood we call Cub Scouting. Tonight you have repeated before me the Scout Promise and the Scout Law. You have assumed a very important responsibility. You have agreed to "Do Your Best" when doing your duties, helping others, and obeying the scout law. These are things which are not always easy, but I think you will enjoy them. All that we ask is that you really do your best. Do you agreed to do your best? (Wait for answers) Good! Please let your parents pin your bobcat badge on your uniform. |
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Cub Scout Flag Collection | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Script: | Whatever ceremony you attempt, these guidelines will help make it go smoothly:
Remember these points of U.S. Flag etiquette:
Find more Scouting Resources at www.BoyScoutTrail.com (stage is set with a large kettle and campfire. Inside the kettle and against one side is a folded flag out of sight of the audience.) (you may use a different scout for each line or two scouts taking turns.) Scout: Tonight we're going to fix for you a treat that's really grand and make for you a recipe : the Grandest in the Land. Scout: In first we'll put a heaping cup of red for courage true. (pours in container of red paper cut in small pieces) Scout: And then we'll add for loyalty a dash of heavenly blue. (Pours in container of blue paper cut in small pieces) Scout: For purity we'll now sift in a layer of snowy white (pours in container of white paper cut in small pieces) Scout: We'll sprinkle a pinch of stars to make it come out right. (pours in a small container of silver stars) Scout: We'll stir and stir and you will see that what we've made is Old Glory. (pulls out flag, unfurls it with partner, and posts it on standard.) Scout: Our flag is the most beautiful flag in the world. Let's always be loyal to it. Everyone please stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Find more Scouting Resources at www.BoyScoutTrail.com Equipment:
Speaker: Since countries were first formed, man has used symbols to express hope, ideals, and love of his own nation. Our flag symbolizes the sacrifices made by men and women for the future of America. It stands for your home and everything and everyone you hold dear. Speaker: 'I light the red candle for the red stripes in our flag, standing for hardiness and valor and symbolizing the lifeblood of brave men and women.' Speaker: 'I light the white candle for the white stripes, symbolizing purity and perfection.' Speaker: 'I light the blue candle for the field of blue which is the symbol of perseverance and justice, and the eternal blue of the heavens.' Speaker: 'Please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.' Find more Scouting Resources at www.BoyScoutTrail.com Equipment: have scouts make cardboard swords and shields in den meetings prior to pack meeting. Announcer: Hear ye! Hear ye! The Kingdom of Cub Scouting requests your presence before the Royalty of the Land! (Royal trumpet sounds) Announcer: Prepare for the entrance of the Chivalrous Knights. (Scout procession enters carrying shields and swords and den flags.) Announcer: Knights! Hold your swords at attention while the flag of the United States is advanced. Audience, please stand and salute the flag. (Honor guard brings flag forward to post) Announcer: The flags, shields, and banners of kings were symbols of the monarchy. Fleur-de-lis, lions, trees, and castles symbolized purity, courage, and strength. Our banner has three colors and stars as symbols. Our colors show red for bravery, white for purity, and blue for loyalty. The stripes stand for the original thirteen colonies and the stars stand for all the states. Knights and friends of the kingdom, please join in the Pledge of Allegiance. |
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Eagle Feather | |
Intended for: | All Scouts |
Required: | Faux eagle feathers, one for each Scout |
Script: | (scout names), please come forward with your parents. You see that I hold here a feather. This is not just any feather, but represents that of an Eagle, the most respected of all creatures. The eagle is most beloved by the Great Spirit because it represents life and how all things are divided into two parts. The eagle, you see, has only two eggs at a time. Likewise, there is man and woman. People have two hands, two feet, and two eyes. We each have a body and a soul. There is also day and night, light and dark, summer and winter, war and peace, life and death. We smell good scents and foul odors, and we see beautiful and distasteful sights. We hear pleasant sounds and dreadful news. We use our hands for good deeds, or bad. We have before us two paths. Scouting encourages us to follow the way of good - of bravery, service, honor, and brotherhood. We also may choose selfishness, laziness, mean spirit, and deceit. That choice belongs to each of us. On your journey, you have chosen the Scouting way, and through your work you have earned the _____ rank. Wear the patch you receive proudly. I also present to each of you a feather of your own. When you see it, remember what it represents, that we face choices every day which path we will follow. Stay true, and continue on your trail of the Eagle. |
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Four Directions | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Required: | 4 AoL scouts 5 large colored disks of paper or cardboard with scripts taped to the back for each of the 4 scouts - Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue, Green |
Preparation: | Place each scout at a different corner of the meeting place, matching east, west, north, and south. |
Notes: | This is an advancement ceremony for Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos. |
Script: | Cubmaster: O Great Spirit, bring forth the four winds. East: (with Yellow disk) I am East. From me comes the sun each day, with its light which all living things need. Just as I am the first direction, cub scouting begins with the Lion. South: (Orange disk) I am South. From me come heat and rains, so all living things might have warmth and water to drink. Just as I am the second direction, cub scouting's second step is the Tiger. West: (Red disk) I am West. To me the sun comes at the end of each day, giving the world darkness so all living things might rest. Just as I am the third direction, cub scouting's third step is Wolf. North: (Blue disk) I am North. From me come cold and snow, so all living things might experience coolness and the beauty of winter. Just as I am the fourth direction, so Bear is the next step of cub scouting. Cubmaster: (with Green disk) As the sun, rain, and air come from all directions and combine with the earth to give life, the previous steps on the Cub Scout trail bring us to Webelos. (holds up Green disk) We have many scouts ready to receive recognition for their ranks today. As I call your name, go and stand by the color of your rank. (Calls out Lions, then Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos that have earned rank. Wait for all scouts to find their place.) Scouts of East, South, West, and North - will you lead us all in the Scout Oath? (4 scouts raise the Cub Scout Sign and wait for everyone to join them) East: "On my honor, I will do my best" South: "To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law" North: "To help other people at all times" West: "To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight" The four winds are dismissed by the Cubmaster. Rank patches and pins are handed to scouts. 4 adults could be stationed at each direction to hand out recognition to each scout as they arrive when their name is called, to speed the ceremony. |
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Iktomi's Spider web | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Required: | Weaving frame Yarn Weaving shuttle |
Preparation: | Begin with several strings tied across a frame, meeting at a central point. |
Script: | (While telling the story, weave a web in and out of the cross strings using a shuttle, working from the outside in) Would the following Scouts and their parents please come forward? (call off names) The story is told that long ago an old Lakota climbed the highest mountain to seek spiritual enlightenment. While there, he had a vision of the spider, Iktomi, who is known as a teacher of wisdom. Iktomi began speaking, and as he did, he began spinning a web. Starting from the outside and working inward, he spun around and around in circles. He spoke of the cycle of life, beginning with infancy and youth, adulthood, and old age, where one might again need to be cared for as an infant, completing the cycle. Remember that throughout your life, you will encounter many forces. Some are good, and some are not. Those that are good will help you, while those that are bad will hinder you. You see that the web forms a perfect circle but that there is a hole in the center. Use the web to catch the best ideas and influences. But let the hole (hold up finished web) allow the bad ones to pass through. It serves us well to heed Iktomi's advice. You have earned your awards through hard work. You would not have made it this far without following the good influences in your lives. Every time you see a spider web, remember to catch and keep those good things that come into our lives while letting the bad pass through. Parents, please pin your scouts' awards on their left pocket flap. Parents, the pin is yours to keep to signal your pride in your scouts' accomplishments. Congratulations! |
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Indian Bear to Webelos | |
Intended for: | Bear Scouts, Webelos Scouts |
Required: | Fire or artificial indoor fire Headbands with feathers for Den Chief and Den Leader drum Webelos neckerchiefs, slides, handbooks, caps |
Preparation: | 3 current Webelos scouts memorize the 3 Winds parts. Den Chief, Den Leader, and Akela have speaking parts. |
Script: | Current Webelos den members come forward and sit in a circle around the fire with the den leader and den chief standing to the side of the circle. Advancement Chair, Cubmaster, or Bear den leader is Akela. Akela: Scouts of the Webelos tribe, I know of [number] scouts who wish to join your council fire. Den Chief: Who are these that wish to join us? Akela: They are scouts of the Bear clan [read names]. Den Chief: These Bears may come forward to the edge of our fire to be tested. (Bear scouts come forward. Beat drum while they are gathering.) Den Chief: Give the Cub Scout salute. Den Chief: Show me the Cub Scout handshake. (shakes with each scout) Den Chief: Wait here. (goes to the Den Leader) Den Chief: These scouts of the Bear are ready to join the Webelos. (hit drum once) Den Leader: Do I hear the South Wind? South Wind: I am the South Wind. I wish you good Scouting. As Cub Scouts you have been happy, game, and fair, and a credit to your den and pack. (hit drum once) Den Leader: Do I hear the East Wind? East Wind: I am the East Wind. I wish you well. I have spread the story of your fun and happiness as Lions, Tigers, Wolves, and Bears in Cub Scouting with Pack [number], and how you lived up to the Scout Promise. (hit drum once) Den Leader: Do I hear the West Wind? West Wind: I am the West Wind. I would like everyone to know that these Cub Scouts going into the Webelos den did not walk the trail of Cub Scouting alone. Each had the help of their parents. (hit drum once) Den Leader: What are all the winds saying? All Winds: (All the winds in unison.) We wish you the best of luck in the Webelos den. Den Leader: The Webelos den will be the last full year you have in the Pack. You will each have opportunity to earn the Webelos rank and then try for Cub Scouting's highest rank, the Arrow of Light. Den Leader: Webelos, welcome these Bears into your tribe by putting on their Webelos neckerchief and slide, and cap, and giving them the Webelos Scout Handbook. |
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Key to Scouting | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Required: | Very large key cutout painted gold with "Scout Spirit" written on it. Old key on a string. |
Notes: | this can be used for any Cub Scout rank |
Script: | I would like [name of scout] and parents to please come forward. The Cub Scout program faces you with many challenges. You are required to attend den meetings and monthly pack meetings. You need to work with leaders and also at home with your parents. In order to achieve the highest rank in Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light, you must set your goals and work to fulfill them. Many times you may get discouraged because the Cub Scout Trail seems steep and hard to climb. There is a key to achieving all of the goals you set for yourself. The key to Cub Scouting. Do you know what that key is? (wait for scout to answer. Then, display the large gold key.) The key to Scouting is "Scout Spirit." Scout Spirit includes teamwork. It includes fair play and good sportsmanship. It includes that something special that makes Scouts want to be the best they can be at everything they do. This key will unlock the door of achievement, both in scouting and in your everyday life. Remember, with this key to Scouting - "Scout Spirit" - you can hike up the Scouting trail. This smaller key is a reminder of the Key to Cub Scouting. Let it remind you that doing your best will open many doors. (hang key around the scout's neck.) You have recently reached an important goal along your scouting path. I am happy to recognize you for earning your [Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light] rank. I will present this award to your parents in token of the help they have given you. They will then pin it on your uniform. (Wait for parent to attach patch.) Pack, please stand. Join me in congratulating our newest [Lion, Tiger, ...] |
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Neckerchiefs | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Required: | 6 neckerchiefs - Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and generic Scouts BSA - stapled to tall pole or long broom handle |
Preparation: | this can be used for any rank, or a running ceremony of all ranks |
Script: | (leader holds the pole with Scouts BSA neckerchief at top and Lion at bottom) When children become Cub Scouts they start on an upward trail. I say 'upward' because as they grow older they advance in Cub Scouting. They do not join a Cub Scout pack and then wait around for a few years until they join a troop. As a child moves up the Scouting trail, badges of rank and changes in uniform show that scout's progress. One of the changes in uniform is the neckerchief. These are the six neckerchiefs of Scouting. First is the yellow Lion neckerchief worn by the youngest scouts. Then, the orange Tiger neckerchief. Next is the red Wolf neckerchief. Then, the blue of the Bear scout. The fifth neckerchief of mixed colors is worn by Webelos scouts. The last neckerchief represents those worn by even older Scouts, but each troop has it's own neckerchief. (use the appropriate section, depending on ranks) (Scouts are called forward with parents) ::::::::::::::: You are receiving your Lion neckerchief. The yellow is like a small spark, the very beginnings of a flame. To show you have the spark of scouting in your heart, make the Cub Scout Sign... And, show the Cub Scout salute (distribute Lion neckerchiefs and slides to parents) ::::::::::::::: You are ready to receive your Tiger neckerchief. The orange represents the beginning flame of scouting. An orange flame is not yet hot, but has just started and has huge potential. To show you have the flame of scouting in your heart, make the Cub Scout Sign... And, say the Cub Scout Motto: Do Your Best (distribute Tiger neckerchiefs and slides to parents) ::::::::::::::: You are ready to receive your Wolf neckerchief. The red shows that the flame of scouting is burning bright in you and you are learning more scout skills. There is also more expected of you as your flame grows. Please make the Cub Scout Sign... And, repeat the Scout Promise: On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. (distribute Wolf neckerchiefs and slides to parents) ::::::::::::::: You are ready to receive your Bear neckerchief. The Bear neckerchief is blue. Just as a blue flame is very hot, the scouting spirit flame burns hotly in you. Blue also stands for truth, loyalty, and obedience. As you grow into a leader, you must learn that these are important traits. To demonstrate the strength of your scouting flame, make the Cub Scout Sign and recite the Scout Law: A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful Friendly, Courteous, Kind Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty Brave, Clean, and Reverent (distribute Bear neckerchiefs and slides to parents) ::::::::::::::: You are ready to receive your Webelos neckerchief. The multiple colors in your new neckerchief are more like fireworks than a flame. You are reaching the very top of the Cub Scout ranks and are exploding with skills, spirit, and energy. You now need to use your scouting spirit to reach the final heights of Cub Scouts and prepare to launch into a Scouts BSA troop before you know it. (distribute Webelos neckerchiefs and slides to parents) ::::::::::::::: Parents, please remove your scout's neckerchief and put the new one in place. Pack, please join me in congratulating these great scouts! |
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New Cub Scout Welcome | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Required: | A burning fire. A few sticks for each new scout. |
Preparation: | Prepare a campfire outside or a fake fire inside if you really have to. Have a stack of sticks well away from the fire, but in front of the audience to the right. |
Notes: | Use this at the beginning or end of your first Pack meeting in September. |
Script: | Akela: (standing by the stack of wood on the right) At this time, I would like all scouts that are new to Pack [number] to please come up here with me. This fire represents the life of our Pack. As you can see, it is burning fairly well, but it is beginning to fade a bit. This fire needs new wood, new fuel to burn bright, just as our Pack needs new scouts to be strong and full of life. I would like each of you to take 2 or 3 sticks from this pile and hold onto them. Those sticks you have in your hands represent your energy, your eagerness, and your excitement to be part of this Pack. I bet you know what I want you to do with those sticks, and I bet you are very excited to do it! But, think about what will happen. (Akela should now walk a bit closer to the fire, but still well away from it. The scouts will soon line up in front of him but there may be some jostling.) When you toss your sticks on the fire, what will happen? (the fire will burn brighter, the sticks will be burned, ...) Just as those sticks will make the fire hotter, bigger, stronger, and full of life, having you in our Pack will make us stronger and more full of life. Before you add your sticks to the fire, decide in your head and heart if you really want to join our Pack and learn our secrets and go on our adventures. When you have decided to join, come and stand right here in front of me and make a single line behind the scout in front of you. (As the scouts scramble to make a line, keep it safe.) After you add your sticks to the fire, stand by Baloo. (Baloo should be on the left of the fire and makes sure scouts stay well away from the fire) (When all are finished) Akela: Congratulations, you are now all part of the life of Pack [number]. Pack, please stand and make the Cub Scout sign. Join me in the Scout Promise. Join me in the Scout Law. Two! Now, how about a gigantic Pack [number] cheer for our new scout friends? You could soak the sticks in a copper chloride solution so they create blue-green flames when added to the fire. See Campfire Dude for other campfire magic. |
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Rabbit Shares Fire | |
Intended for: | Webelos Scouts |
Required: | candles for each Scout earning rank and for current Webelos scouts participating in the ceremony |
Preparation: | practice with Webelos beforehand |
Script: | (Current Webelos scouts are asked to leave the room where they are given the large lighted candle to bring in) (Webelos rank candidates are called forward, along with the parents of the rank candidates. Give each candidate a smaller unlit candle. ) Cubmaster: According to legend, long ago, fire was allowed only in the square during the ceremonial dance. But Rabbit had different ideas. He felt there should be fire in other places. So he devised a plan. Rabbit had his friends rub his head with pine until his hair stood on end. Everyone thought this new crested headdress looked so fine that they made him leader of the dance. He danced around the sacred fire logs, but no one noticed how close to them he was getting. On one pass he dipped his headdress, catching it on fire, and ran away so fast no one could catch him. The people chanted and danced, bringing four days of rain, which they thought would put out Rabbit's fire. Rabbit had planned ahead however, and sheltered the fire in a hollow log. When the sun came out, he emerged and began sharing the fire with others. Soon the people began to have fires in their homes and before long, everyone had fire. Just as Rabbit shared the fire with others, so we share the spirit of Scouting. As we all know, the Webelos are the keepers of the flame for our pack. (The Webelos den enters, carrying the large candle) Cubmaster: Webelos scouts, are you willing to share your fire with these new Webelos candidates? (Webelos say 'Yes' and then light the candle of each candidate) Cubmaster: As we share the spirit, it is not divided, but increased. We spread the flame as we welcome you to the ranks of those who have earned the Webelos badge. You are progressing on your trail to the Arrow of Light. We congratulate you on this accomplishment and encourage you to remain steadfast in your devotion to the journey. (Distribute awards to parents.) Parents, please pin your scout's patch on the left pocket. Pack, please join me in congratulating our Webelos! |
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Rank Achievements | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Required: | 6 scouts - one that has completed each rank. large replications of each badge - lion, tiger, wolf, bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light. Each badge has that scout's lines taped to the back. |
Preparation: | Lay the badges in order on a table at the front of the gathering. |
Notes: | This is good for a meeting toward the end of the year, such as Blue Gold so you have scouts of every rank. Or, use it at the first pack meeting and invite a past Arrow of Light scout back to do the Arrow of Light part. |
Script: | LION: I made new friends. I try to do my best. I am a Lion. TIGER: I am having fun learning about the world around me. I enjoy Searching, Discovering and Sharing. I am a Tiger. WOLF: I have completed many adventures. I grew physically and spiritually. As I grew in mind and body, I also grew within my family. It is fun being helpful and doing your best. I am a Wolf. BEAR: I too have completed many adventures. They required more skill and effort, but were fun and interesting. I developed habits and attitudes of good citizenship. I am a Bear. WEBELOS SCOUT: I have learned about the outdoors and leadership. I learned to get along with others and gained a sense of personal achievement. I am a Webelos scout. ARROW OF LIGHT: I have learned the requirements to join Scouts BSA. I have visited a troop. I have attained the highest award in Cub Scouting. I am The Arrow of Light. |
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Silent Flag | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts |
Required: | At least 5 scouts. U.S. Flag Flashlight for each Scout in ceremony |
Preparation: | Before you begin, turn off all lights. Scouts in ceremony should be seated around flag pole, sitting on the ground. |
Script: | Each Scout should have a flashlight - if less than 9 scouts, then some have two flashlights and two lines. They will turn on their flashlight, pointing it at the flag immediately before they recite their part of the ceremony. They should keep their light on after they speak. Leader: Tonight you will hear the words of the Pledge to our country's flag. Reflect on the words in your heart as you hear them. Please rise and join us in saluting our flag. Place your right hand over your heart; Scouts in uniform should render the proper salute. Please listen quietly. Scout 1: Turn on flashlight, "I pledge allegiance" Scout 2: Turn on flashlight, "to the flag" Scout 3: Turn on flashlight, "of the United States of America" Scout 4: Turn on flashlight, "and to the Republic" Scout 5: Turn on flashlight, "for which it stands" Scout 6: Turn on flashlight, "one Nation, under God" Scout 7: Turn on flashlight, "indivisible" Scout 8: Turn on flashlight, "with liberty" Scout 9: Turn on flashlight, "and justice for all" Leader: Scouts, please make the Cub Scout sign and join us in the Scout Law. A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful Friendly, Courteous, Kind Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty Brave, Clean, and Reverent Leader: Two. (turn on lights. turn off flashlights.) Please return to your seats. |
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Webelos Adventures | |
Intended for: | Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts |
Required: | 1 large candle in a stand many small candles, all in stands |
Preparation: | Line up small candles in a line with the large candle at one end. |
Script: | Akela: Our Webelos scouts have been very busy the past few months, completing adventures towards their advancement. I would like the following scouts to please come forward. [call off names of scouts receiving pins] Akela: Den Chief [name] will light one of the small candles for each adventure as it is presented. The [adventure name] adventure has been earned by [scout names]. Please step forward to claim your pin and tell us one thing you did to complete this adventure. (Den Chief lights small candle) For each adventure, Akela may change what he says. For example, for the First Responder adventure, he may ask what items a scout put in a first aid kit. For Cast Iron Chef, ask what food was cooked. (once all recognition items are distributed) Akela: Den Chief [name], I see we have one candle left. Should we light it now? Den Chief: No, Akela, that big candle stands for the Arrow of Light. Akela: That's right, [name]. This candle will remain unlit until we have a Webelos Scout who has completed the Arrow of Light requirements. Then we will light that candle. These small candles, representing the adventures, are steps along the trail of Webelos Scouts. They are important in themselves, but they lead us to the Arrow of Light which signifies that a Webelos scout has reached the highest step on the Cub Scout trail and is fully prepared to continue on the Scouting trail. Akela: Now, Den Chief [name], will you lead the Webelos Scouts in your den yell and then return them to their seats? |
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Webelos Buffalo | |
Intended for: | Bear Scouts, Webelos Scouts |
Required: | Blue, yellow, green, and red tempera paint. Webelos neckerchiefs. Red koolaid. Beef jerky. |
Script: | AKELA: Many moons ago the Great Chief Akela called a council to see what could be done to make Webelos the strongest of all tribes. The council said, 'We need colors for our braves, to guide them in how they live their lives.' The council talked for many hours and finally decided on the colors that would offer best guidance. Red to represent blood of warriors that fought to protect us, to make us a great nation, to which a Scout is loyal. Yellow to represent the rays of sun that bring warmth, good cheer, and happiness, for the Arrow of Light which Webelos strive to achieve. Green to represent the forest, for the Webelos learn how to live under nature's canopy of trees. Blue to represent the heavens, the house of God to which the Scout is reverent. Members in the Webelos tribe now wear these colors as they trail the eagle, follow the sun, and keep the spirit of Scouting a bright light. AKELA: It is time to welcome new members into the tribe of Webelos. All scouts wishing to take on the risks, challenges, and adventures of the Webelos tribe, leaving behind their Bear tribe, come forward now. BALOO: Remove any signs of your old tribe that you are wearing. (Scouts remove their scarves and slides) AKELA: Becoming a Webelos Scout is a major step on the Cub Scout trail on your way to the Arrow of Light and onto the Scouts BSA trail to Eagle. Just as Indian youth became warriors and were painted in the colors of their tribe, we will paint you with the colors of the Webelos tribe. AKELA: Blue symbolizes the effort you will make to reach your goals along the Webelos trail. You will earn adventure pins and your Webelos badge. The strongest and bravest will earn the Arrow of Light. BALOO: Do you accept the challenges ahead of you in the Webelos tribe? (BALOO marks a blue streak) AKELA: Yellow represents the Pack. Yellow is the color of the sun and will light your way along the Webelos trail. You will help the Pack go and it will help you grow. BALOO: Do you vow to do your best? (BALOO marks a yellow streak on the other cheek) AKELA: Green represents the Scouts BSA Troop that you will eventually join. Green stands for the tree so that you may stand tall on the Scouting trail. As a Webelos scout, you will spend more time in the outdoors and learn the ways of nature. You will understand animals, plants, and the forces of weather. BALOO: Do you wish to learn more about these things and grow in your scouting skills? (green mark) AKELA: Red represents the blood of your fellow Webelos. You are all bound together through struggles and challenges. You will need each other to succeed and you must always be prepared to help each other along. BALOO: Do you promise to help your fellow Webelos on their trail? (BALOO marks with red) AKELA: Wear your Webelos Colors proudly while you progress along the Webelos Trail, never forgetting that a tribe grows together. (BALOO and AKELA put new kerchiefs on each scout and give each one the Cub Scout shake) AKELA: This is a joyous occasion! A new Webelos tribe has been created and we will now celebrate. Together, we will eat of the buffalo to gain its strength so we may overcome all challenges. Chew on its meat to gain its stamina and endurance so that no hardship can defeat us. Drink its blood to gain its heart so that we remain loyal to our tribe and our beliefs. (Have a snack of kool aid and jerky) |
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