Boy Scout Law
A Scout Is...
Scout Motto, Scout Slogan, Scout Aims and Methods, Scout Oath
Mar 01, 2014 - Gary Johnson
Nearly 50 yrs since I was a BSA and I didn't stay in long but it had a lasting effect on me. I believe in the Scouts and think it is good for any boy to learn the principles and discipline that will help them their entire life. All these years later one of my favorite books is the Boy Scout Handbook.
Mar 23, 2014 - Denis Raymond Sansom
White Fang here! When "BP" our founder, compiled these laws, he did so with much thought.Every law was designed to help us in our youth and in our adult hood. As with the 10 Commandments, we mortals are hard pressed not to break these Laws. Whilst I have tried very hard to observe all these Laws, the specific Law that I have applied to my personal lifestyle is the 10th Law "Clean" Because of this law, not only have I observed the hygiene aspects of the Law, but I have refrained from smoking, alcohol and drug use. I am now 83 years of age and live a very healthy and active life. I am rarely sick, common cold being the worst I get.
Aug 09, 2014 - Dan
These values and ideals are very much needed in our society today. I am striving to live up to these ideals and values in order to set an example for our next generation of scouts. Thank-You for sharing.
Feb 26, 2016 - Mario Miranda
When I Arrived to this great nation I was Eight years old
at that time I joined a Boy Scout troop in the city of
Miami,Fl. Today I'm a proud Father of Three Eagle
Scouts and my grand son is working on his Eagle
project the other one is a webelo
Oct 05, 2016 - Brette Riley
Thanks for the post. America is looking for the values the BSA
never lost. In his final message to Scouts Bayden-Powell said
"the real way to happiness is by giving out happiness to other
Nov 02, 2016 - Ed Mclatchy
Scouting taught me many things, all of which I use everyday. The biggest one that ever stuck on
me was LOYAL, loyalty tromps all. All for one and one for all !! Scouting is a great character
builder for all the wild trails of life!!
Aug 26, 2017 - Jay Hughes
I'm 31 and am just now learning about
the scouts. I'm wanting my ten year old
nephew to join so it's kinda like I'm
learning to be a bobcat myself. This is
going to be a complete lifestyle change.
I don't want him to make the same
mistakes I have. This isn't Going to be
an overnight transfermation so I hope
the scouts are patient in nature but I
believe in what they teach and I'm
hoping I can conform to the standards
they expect!
Feb 23, 2019 - Carl T. West
I never really understood how "Obedient" was meant specifically. I stopped at the cubscout
level, but the only negative thing I can remember (29 now) was the obedient part. Little me
put obedient and the wolf emblems together and thought "You want me to be like your dog?
No thanks." Haha. Somehow I never heard (OK, never internalized) this part:
"If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobey them."
I'm glad this site is here to explain it to me all these years later!
"If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobey them."
I'm glad this site is here to explain it to me all these years later!
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