Decks of Stuff

They are great for a patrol meeting or merit badge session. They aren't waterproof, but heavy coated cardboard which holds up to lots of handling.
Stars, Birds, First Aid, Fishing, and Knots support the Astronomy, Bird Study, First Aid, Fishing, and Pioneering merit badges as well as being wonderful aids for rank advancement skills.
The new Birds and Fishing decks are for identification and have a few bonus cards with other data.
Fishing has great color illustrations, distribution, scientific name, fishing techniques, and a bit of other info for each fish.
Birds has a color photo, flight pattern, breeding times, wingspan, distribution, song, egg, and plumage helpful info.
Our troop has one of each in the troop library and they work well to keep scouts involved before a troop meeting. Maybe you could have your troop librarian buy one or two every six months until you have the set. They are $10 each at the scout shop.
Scout On
Posted: 11:05 03-27-2009 406
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