Extraordinary Eagle Circumstances
2019 will be a special year, actually an extraordinary year, for youth joining Scouts BSA.
With girls joining starting February 1, some folks have been concerned that they won't have time to work their way up to the Eagle rank. Since there are minimum timed requirements for some ranks, new members that are over 16 years and 7 months old will probably not have time to complete the trail to Eagle before their 18th birthday.
The BSA National organization has decided to make an extension to the 18th birthday time limit for this extraordinary circumstance of opening up Scouts BSA to female youth. To ensure every youth that is motivated and putting in the effort to reach Eagle has the opportunity to reach the goal, BSA is making this change:
Youth 16 years of age or older, but not yet 18, on February 1, 2019 who register as members of Scouts BSA on or before December 31, 2019, may request extensions to complete the Eagle Scout Award requirements after they turn 18 years of age.
This extension will not apply to scouts younger than 16 years old on Feb. 1, 2019 and will not apply to youth older than 18 years on Feb. 1, 2019.
Th goal of this declaration is to ensure that older girls joining the program have at least 24 months to earn their Eagle which is long enough for the time constrained requirements. The extension also applies to older males joining, to be fair.
It is important that unit leaders are aware of, and understand, this extension. Please read details about it Here.
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Posted: 19:25 10-03-2018 1347
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