Girl Gear
Leggings, Capris, Skorts, and Scarves - these are some of the new girl gear items coming to Scouting this year.
With girls joining Cub Scouts, BSA National Supply has been making some clothing updates for the new scouts. You will probably be seeing these items (and more) in your Scout Shop in the not too distant future, and being aware of them might help you recruit more youth into your local program.
- Skorts - skirt and shorts combined, so they look like a skirt but provide coverage during active scouting.
- Scarf - I am interested to see how this fits into the uniform.
- Capris - shorter than long pants, longer than shorts.
- Leggings - tight fitting stretch pants.
It is obvious these new clothing options are intended to make scouting more attractive to girls. Sounds like a good marketing plan to me, especially if there has been feedback that the pants just do not cut it. It will be interesting to see what other "female fashion" accessories show up this year.
Updates to other Scout Shop items are coming, too. #5 in the picture is new colors for Pinewood Derby car wheels. Personally, I do not understand the value in this one, but maybe they go faster than black? Will more colors be available? White wheels would have looked better on my Marshmallow-themed car I made years ago. :-)
Scout On
Posted: 12:26 04-27-2018 1338
Apr 27, 2018 - Tony Hooker
The multi colored wheels have been around for years - I know I've
seen blue, red, yellow and orange - maybe more are available.
Apr 29, 2018 - Scouter Paul
@Tony - Yes, there have been yellow, orange, red, blue for the
lion, tiger, wolf, bear ranks. I'd think these new colors would
have low demand, but who knows?
May 01, 2018 - Andrew R Johnson
The colored wheels are handy to have around. My kids like the colors on their cars, and I
keep their black wheels as spares. We have had scouts show up with wheels from other kits
that don't meet our council's rules, so having a few extra wheels around help to give them a
replacement. (it was also handy to have on hand that one time a scout broke a wheel in half
on his second trip down the track...)
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