Scouts of America
Well, that was fast!
Starting next year (2018), girls will be part of the BSA scouting program, not just Venturing, Sea Scouts, Explorers, and STEM. What, you did not realize they were in all that already?
Oh my, it will be a busy year of updates - the organization name, logos, training, uniforms, patches, stickers, books, signs, documents, ... Whew!
After unanimous approval by the BSA board of directors, girls will join Cub Scout Packs in 2018. The plan is to have separate dens for girls and for boys. Then, in 2019, girls will join Boy Scout Troops. See the BSA statement and Bryans blog post.
Will this cause the Girl Scouts of the United States of America to go under? Maybe.
In 1972, BSA had 6.5mil members, 5.1mil in 2012, and 2.3mil in 2016 - maybe this change will raise the numbers now that the entire organization welcomes anyone.
I do not know about the separate dens for girls thing (and a separate program for girls in troops is planned). Whenever I have heard the need discussed, parents were looking for siblings to join scouting "just like the boys". Finding more den leaders just for the girls will be daunting, and I bet most packs will have girls join boy dens no matter what the national organization says.
Best of luck to all you front line volunteers over the next few years. We live (scout) in interesting times! Please just remember to do your best for your scouts and keep adult stuff at adult gatherings to make their scouting experience the best you can.
When do you think the first female Eagle Scout will be awarded? My vote is for November 22, 2019. Whoever posts the closest guess here gets a cookie!
Posted: 14:13 10-11-2017 1330
Oct 11, 2017 - Bryan
They did not say Girls would join Boy Scout troops, they said they
would announce a Girl Program. if you look at the Family Scouting
page on the BSA Site, female cub scouts will crossover into the
Girl PRogram while male cub scouts will crossover into the Boy
Oct 11, 2017 - Kristian
I am doing the math and come up with something around June 20, 2021. You do have to meet the time requirements for ranks still. I see my daughter getting hers in early 2022.
Oct 11, 2017 - Pbev
Disappointed in this move. There already is a great girl scout program.
My wife did that and earned her Gold Award. There's also Venturing. No
need to change our BSA program at all, except to cave to political
Oct 11, 2017 - Patricia Hernandez
So upset and saddened by this. Is their no place for boys to be
with boys? To have that special bond? Why ruin our program ? I
am not sure if I want my son in this program anymore. Den leader.
Cubmaster. U let our sons down. U should be ashamed
Oct 12, 2017 - BSss
This is horrible. Boy Scouts is a great organization but the
nationals is rotten. BSA is falling apart. I am having a hard time
seeing how I can stay involved when there is so little integrity
at the top.
Oct 13, 2017 - Elmer
The biggest membership drop came AFTER 2013: when
they caved to PC pressure and let gays in. Now that
they’re caving to the feminists, you think the numbers
are going to INCREASE?!?
You aren’t paying much attention.
You aren’t paying much attention.
Oct 25, 2017 - George Fox
My view is the Cub Scout level, I don't see much of an
issue. Packs usually have a family campout as opposed to a scout
only function. Cub Scouts is family oriented. It's not really an
issue to separate shower times, as most activities have separate
facilities. Deep leadership usually isn't an issue.
At the troop level however, two deep leadership won't be enough. Teen boys and girls have no business being together on overnight outings. You'll be looking at needing 4-6 deep leadership with mixed sexes as leaders! That can be a huge obstacle at that level.
Just my two cents on the issue.
At the troop level however, two deep leadership won't be enough. Teen boys and girls have no business being together on overnight outings. You'll be looking at needing 4-6 deep leadership with mixed sexes as leaders! That can be a huge obstacle at that level.
Just my two cents on the issue.
Oct 27, 2017 - Darcy Guill
Cubs Scouts have always been a family program. Girls have
been participating for years. Now they can join. As for co-ed
dens, that would be a violation of BSA policy and puts the
unit at risk of having their charter revoked.
I don't know why youth protection policy is such an issue. There are already girls in BSA programs like Venturing. Sorry, but the BSA already has that issue covered. Nothing new here either.
I am not thrilled about how this came about and how quickly it is happening, which says to me that the BSA really is doing this for money and not families or girls. Are we really doing our daughters justice by putting them in programs designed for boys?
I don't know why youth protection policy is such an issue. There are already girls in BSA programs like Venturing. Sorry, but the BSA already has that issue covered. Nothing new here either.
I am not thrilled about how this came about and how quickly it is happening, which says to me that the BSA really is doing this for money and not families or girls. Are we really doing our daughters justice by putting them in programs designed for boys?
Nov 02, 2017 - Pete
This is a horrible development. I have 2 daughters and 2 sons.
Each enjoyed Scouts....their own Scouts. The BSA is NOT the
"Scouts of America" we are the BOY Scouts of America. No, girls
will NOT be in male dens and girls will most certainly NEVER be in
boy troops. This is yet another case of the professional BSA being
completely out of touch with the volunteers who make the program a
reality to millions of boys. They are destroying our beloved
program as we watch. Sad and pathetic.
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