Bivoe Ebuma (Clap Ball)
Cameroon, Africa

Divide den into two teams. Teams line up parallel and facing each other six feet on either side of a centerline. The two teams toss a small rubber ball back and forth. No player may step across the centerline. When the ball is caught, the catcher must clap his hands and stamp his feet once. If a player forgets to clap and stamp, a point is scored against his team. Keep the ball moving fast

Chef Manda (The Chief Orders)

One Cub Scout is the Chief and stands in front. When he says, �The Chief orders you to laugh�, all other players must laugh. If he says, �He orders you to laugh�, no one should laugh because all valid commands are prefaced by "The Chief". A player who does not obey proper orders is eliminated.

Cherry Chop

This is usually played with cherry pits at harvest time You can use pebbles or marbles Place a shallow bowl about two feet in front of a line of Cub Scouts. Put one pebble or marble in it, and give each player five or 10 others. In turn, each uses his pebbles to try to knock the pebble out of the bowl. If he succeeds, he keeps it and the leader places another pebble into the bowl. If a player misses, he must put one of his pebbles in the bowl Winner is the one with the most pebbles at the end of the game.

Palito Verde (Green Stick)

�It� carries a green stick (a neckerchief may be substituted). The other players form a large circle, facing inward with their hands behind their back. �It� travels around the circle, and at some point he places the stick or neckerchief in the hands of a player. That player immediately races after �It� around the circle. If �It� is tagged before �It� can get to the chaser�s old place in the circle, he remains �It�. If �It� reaches the space safely, the chaser becomes the new �It�

Catch The Dragon�s Tail

Two single lines are formed with each person�s hands on the shoulders of the person in front of him. Until the signal �Go� is given, the dragons must each remain in a straight line. The starter begins the countdown - �Em-Er-San-Ko!� or �1-2-3-GO!� The �fiery head� of each line then runs toward the �lashing tail� and tries to catch the last man. The whole dragon body must remain unbroken If anyone lets go, the dragon�s body is broken and the dragon dies. A new dragon must be formed with the head becoming the tail and the next in line having a turn at being the head. If, however, the head player touches the tail, he may continue to be the head.

Exchange Race

Divide the players into two, four, or six groups (for teams). Form straight lines and count off Paired players face each other. Lines are ten, twenty, or more feet apart facing each other. On a starting signal the No 1�s of each Line run forward, meet near the center, exchange objects, run around each other, return to their lines, and give their object to No 2. Then they go to the end of their own line. The 2�s repeat, give same object to No 3, etc. Objects must work back down to the head of the line. The team wins whose No 1 man is first to receive the object and hold it up.

Pyramids of the Nile

Divide the boys into teams of 4-6 boys, and line them up in straight lines that stretch from one end of the playing area to the other. (i.e. 8-10 feet between team members). The first boy on each team is given 10 flat-bottomed paper cups. On �GO�, he builds a pyramid in front of himself. All ten cups have to be used. When he is finished, he and the second boy on his team try to carry the pyramid from his spot to the place where the second player sat. If they drop any part of the pyramid they can rebuild it where it fell and then continue their walk. When they reach the proper spot, the second boy tumbles the pyramid and then rebuilds it so that he and the third player can advance the pyramid to the third location. The relay ends when all of the �Egyptians� have built, moved, and tumbled the pyramid.

Crossing the Rice Fields

Divide dens into two teams. Have each team break into two-boy teams. When the leader calls, "Rice!" the first pair on each team forms a "wheelbarrow" (one boy walks on his hands while the other holds his ankles) and races across the "rice field" to a "river" (two parallel ropes on the floor). At the edge of the river, one player climbs on the other's back and is carried piggyback across the river. On the other bank, they change places for the return trip across the river and then wheelbarrow back to their team. The next pair then starts.

Japanese Tag

As in all tag games, "It" pursues the other players and tries to touch them one at a time. When one has been touched, he must keep his hand on the spot where he was touched and chase after others trying to tag them. His hand cannot be moved from the spot until he has tagged someone else. The idea is to tag people in inconvenient places.


Two players (or teams) site on the floor facing each other about 10 feet apart. An empty plastic bottle stands at the foot of each player. Each pair of players have a nerf or small rubber ball. In turn, a player rolls his ball toward the other player trying to knock down his bottle. Each hit counts as one point.

Turks and Infidels

Two teams, Turks and Infidels, line up about 15 feet apart with the Infidels facing the Turks' backs. The Infidels sneak up on the Turks. When the leader claps his hands, the Turks turn and chase the Infidels back to their base. Any Infidels tagged must join the Turks. After three or four turns, have the teams reverse play.